The Ritz

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When Lucy and Mary were done with Eliza, she had never felt more sophisticated in her life. She did indeed feel sultry in her violet off-the-shoulder, bosom flaunting gown. The fabric was cinched around her waist, creating a plump behind and it was gathered with gold silk to create a short train behind her. Mary frosted Eliza with her finest diamond and pearl choker and Lucy stuck floral pins into her strawberry curls. After a dash of rouge and a swipe of lipstick Eliza felt older, her chin was a little higher and her posture a little straighter. She was ready to take the night on, Andrew's warning be damned.

"You look gorgeous my darling," Mary says in awe after Eliza swipes her lace fan from her vanity.

"Truly stunning," Lucy agrees and Eliza smiles to them. She knows that they can feel her excitement. Her eagerness to be draped on Colin's arm as she goes to one of the biggest social events in London fills the room.

Eliza looks to her full-length mirror and runs a hand over the silk sash that's creating the illusion that her waist is paper-thin. She then feels the corset that's creating the illusion that her breasts are three times bigger than they truly are and it feels right somehow. That she's creating the illusion that she's a sophisticated young woman that attends functions like these on a regular basis. That gentleman callers keep her social schedule full and her pink plump lips keep them coming back for more.

"I'm nervous," Eliza finally admits and her mother spins her away from the mirror.

"This is a big night for you. I know you're smitten with Lord Bradshaw, but keep your wits about you. No need for your brain to go all mushy with your heart," Mary tells her and then purses her lips.

"A man is going to have to do more than invite me for an evening out to win my heart mother. This one outing doesn't equal an engagement," Eliza replies with an eyeroll. Did her mother really think Eliza was so dim that suddenly her mind would go all wonky because a man was paying attention to her? She wasn't Bridgette or Adelaide.

"Would you like your fur stole my lady? Or is it still too warm to pull out the fur?" Lucy asks, smartly changing the subject. Eliza steals one last look at herself in the mirror and decides she wouldn't mind the dramatic effect of removing her stole to reveal her décolletage underneath.

"I'll go for a silk wrap, the fur will be too warm," Eliza decides and Lucy hurries to get the proper outerwear. Eliza grabs her receptacle and stashes her fan inside. Lucy drapes the gold silk over Eliza's shoulders and smiles once she's finished.

"Oh I do hope tonight is everything you hope for my lady," Lucy says as they start toward the hallway. As they descend the staircase Mary adds, "We'll have Mr. Grayson drive you in the motorcar darling. You can arrive to dinner in style." Lucy nods and rushes off to deliver the message to Mr. Grayson. Edward finds the women in the foyer and with bright eyes and a sweeping motion says, "Look who is ready for her social debut."

Eliza frowns and then replies, "I've been going to societal events all summer papa. This is hardly a rarity."

"Ah, but this is the opera my dear girl. The performance alone should awe you and leave a mark on your memory," Edward says, his love for operas gushing out.

"I'm sure Lord Bradshaw is the one hoping to leave an impression dear, I shan't think he wants to be overshadowed," Mary replies, but Edward just shakes his head.

"Let us hope the evening as a whole is a good way!" Eliza interjects and Mary goes to loops her arm through Edward's. They stand in the foyer as Martin strides through the front door and announces the car is ready for Eliza's departure. Mary gives Eliza two quick pecks on each of her cheeks before Eliza turns to go stuff herself inside the back of the car. She waves out of the window as they drive out of the estate and when they turn into the London traffic, Eliza's nerves finally set in.

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