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Eliza did as she was told and boarded the first train back to London. Her mother was surprised to see her home so soon, but even more surprised when she heard the reason why.

"Lord Tennyson? A murderer and a deadbeat. I have no words," Mary says as she drops onto the chaise with her dainty hand covering her mouth.

"Apparently Colin suspected it for some time, he wasn't surprised in the least," Eliza adds, but Mary was still gazing off into the distance, trying to process how her peer was about to be thrust into scandal.

"Well darling I think it's best if we put some distance between that family. If he was throwing an engagement to you around, I would hate for you to be associated with that scheming rake."

"I imagine the Tennyson scandal will hit headlines. I am in complete agreement to shun them as the rest of London will."

"Poor Colin though, he is related. Not sure if this will taint his reputation as well." Mary says with a grimace. Eliza remembers what Colin told her in the woods and puts her finger in the air as she says, "Oh and I have other news mother, news that may be bigger than the Tennyson reveal." Mary finally darts her eyes back to her daughter and replies, "More news?"

Eliza nods, "Yes, I also discovered that Colin is the son of the Duke of Fife." Mary drops her hand and straightens her spine as she gasps, "Lord Bradshaw is a marquess?"

"Apparently that's where his title is from. I had no idea, not one person clarified his position to me," Eliza explains, her flurry of emotions coming back to her.

"Well how did you end things darling? Do I dare wonder if my daughter is about to be a marchioness?" Mary asks, her eyes as wide as saucers. Eliza shakes her head and then drops her head into her hands. Mary pops up off the chaise and crosses the room to sit next to her daughter on the sofa. She pulls Eliza's hands from her face as Eliza answers, "He said his title didn't matter, that he wanted to take the next step in our relationship. He said he did take Adelaide to the dinner party last night, but only for work."

"Oh you like him, don't you my darling?" Mary asks softly. Eliza looks to her mother and after a moment nods her head. "Why do you seem so scared?"

"Because he's...just look at him! He looks like that and he's the son of a Duke! He could have any woman in England!" Eliza exclaims.

"And he's choosing you! I don't know why you seem so surprised," Mary states.

"I'm nervous that every time we are together, he'll have to justify marrying me," Eliza confesses but Mary simply shakes her head, "He's from Sussex darling, you'll have a whole new town to enjoy. The nonsense only hovers over you in London and Scarborough." Eliza sighs and knows her mother is right. "That, and you are the daughter of an Earl who will inherit. No one would question the link; it could have been set through a matchmaker." Eliza frowns but it's true. She may not want to marry for political reasons, but to the outside world, it makes sense on paper.

She also doesn't understand why she's suddenly so insecure. This man has seen her at her worst and still wants to give it a go- she has nothing to lose at this point.

"Eliza, I don't know why you are so in your head about this. You are smitten and will regret it if he leaves back to Sussex and you didn't tell him what's in your heart," Mary finally tells her while pulling Eliza's chin toward her. "Don't overthink this love."

"I'm trying my best not to. I feel squeamish about finding love because Penelope was murdered. I wish the circumstances surrounding Colin and my friendship were different," Eliza admits. It will be odd when someone asks, "And how did you two meet?" And Eliza replies with, "He was the lead detective on my best friend's murder investigation."

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