Chapter 13

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Liv's POV

We head onto My door steps once home from the airport.

I grip Matts hand and take a deep breath as i grab the handle of the door and slowly open it.


I look around to see my mom and a dark brown haired man on my couch.

"Hey, mom." I say as she walks over to me and engulfs me into a huge hug.

I close my eyes and hug back.

I've missed her.

But she hasn't been here for me.

I start pulling back myself from her.

"I've missed you." she gives me a warm smile.

"Well that's mostly you're fault." I mumble, knowing no one heard.

"And you must be Matt." she shakes his hand.

"That's me." Matt shakes back smiling.

"Well you're quite the handsome one now aren't you." she says looking at him while my dad comes over.

"Hello, Livy." he smiles coming in for a hug, which I just stand there awkwardly while he squeezes me.

"Hi." I say straight faced.

"Wow you look so much like your mother." he chuckles.

"Nah, I don't." I rock back and forth on my feet.

"Well why don't you get settled and then we can get dinner later, Matt can come." My mom adds.

"Okay." I say grabbing my stuff I set on the ground.

"Uhm, I'll see what we are doing later. I'll call you." Matt says to me.

He hugs me. "bye." I whisper.

We pull back. "bye everyone." he smiles while walking out after waving.

"He's a sweet boy." Both of them go back to the couch.

"Yeah, uh, I'm going to go unpack." I say heading to the stairs.

I walk into my room, set my bag down, walk over to my bed and plop down on it while taking a huge breath.

Time to unpack. The worst part of coming back from a trip.

I get up and walk over to my bags.

I start sorting clean and dirty things for a while, since I brought a lot of clothes.

"Hey uh, Livy." My dad stands at the frame of my door.

"Hey." I reply still sorting. "What do you want?" I ask looking up for a quick second before looking down and grabbing my dirty clothes to place into the laundry room.

"Wanna, like catch up." He chuckles while I walk past him, dirty clothes in hand.

I stop for a second and look at him.

"You mean catch up on everything since the day you left my mom?" I ask now turning around and walking into the laundry room.

"I didn't know she had you." He sighs.

"Ah, I see quick and dirty now weren't you?" I set down my clothes and walk back into my room.

"Livia!" My mom scolds while walking back to my dad.

I sit down next to my bag once again, starting to fold.

"What?" I ask looking at their surprised faces.

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