Chapter 6

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Liv's POV
The event ended at 5pm, the show tomorrow would end much later.

When the time reached 5:58 we all started panicking, thinking we looked terrible.

Most if the girls were in the bathroom fixing their makeup.

We all decided to room together.

"Guys!! Let's go." I say excitedly.

We all walk and start on a conversation.

"So, you think matt likes you?" Cher asks nudging my side with her elbow.

"Why would he like me?" I chuckle.

"Because you PERF." She says like matt did before.

"Yeah, i think y'all will have babies one day." Kat laughs.

"Shut up." I laugh with her as the other girls join in.

We walk up to the elevator and wait until it reaches us and then get in.

"Press 4." Alex says to Addie.

"Calm down" Addie chuckles while pressing it.

"I'm nervous." I blurt out.

"Why?" Mia asks.

"I have never really socialized with guys that are that hot." I laugh.

"You're fine." Addie laughs as the door opens.

We walk down to the room and I knock twice.

The door opens to a smiling Matthew.

"Hello ladies." He winks. "Come in."

We walk in and I find Nash.

"Hey." I smile,

"Livy! Okay, we need to catch up, wanna take a walk?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure." I agree.

"great Leggo." he points to the door.

We both walk outside of the hotel, the warm air hits my legs and slight wind pushes my hair slightly back.

"So, what happened since I have been gone?" He asks

"Well, my sister and dad died, you know that. My mom has been working much more often to get her mind off things, and I'm alone a lot." I sigh. "How bout you."

"Everything is going great. Like I said everything I have ever wanted is happening." He smiles and looks up into the sky.

"Uh so tell me about Matt, more than I already know." I laugh

"He is crazy." Nash chuckles.

"Duh.. And cute." I laugh.

"Yeah, he attracts many of the ladies." Nash chuckles once again. "Uh, Livy, I just want to know one thing. Are you like depressed from all that has happened, cutting or... Because I know if anything like that happened to me I would."

"We should go back to the room, I just got a text from Addie" I change the subject.

We turn around and head back.

"So, I'm taking that as a yes?" He says a bit confused.

"Why does it matter?" I ask my voice getting low.

"I just want to look after my cousie poo." he nudges me.

"I'm fine." I say giving a smile.


Once we get back in the hotel room they are all in a circle playing truth or dare. Typical. I walk over and sit in between Addie and Matt.

"hey boo thang." Matt winks at me.

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