Harry's Revenge

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a.n , if you are reading this HORRIBLE fanfic then I want to thank you. I just wrote this for fun and if you are actually taking this fanfic seriously and don't want to have a little laugh then just leave.


Harry was DEFINITELY not going to let this one slide. Eleabeard has gotten away too many times to count.

He had 3 plans. 1. Take away the one thing Eleabeard loves the most, STARBUCKS. 2. Have a priest come and demolish her. 3. Tell her to stop.

Harry went with the easiest and most forward. Get rid of Starbucks.

He is Harry Styles after all. He can do whatever shit he wants.

Harry walked to his and Louis home. He hoped Louis was there, but he wasn't. "That bitch," Harry muttered, "you can mess with me but once you mess with my boyfriend, it gets serious."

Once getting some money and anything of his that is able to be sold he got into Louis' car and drove to starbucks.

He walked in to the register, "How may I take your order?"

"I'd like to buy starbucks. You know the company and shit," Harry told her in a normal tone. The lady at the register laughed until she peed. "Excuse me?" Harry said to her, she fell to the ground in laughter. "DON'T BE A LITTLE BITCH," he yelled VERY loud.

He jumped over the counter and picked her up. Harry furiously pinched and twisted her nipple until it fell off, "Give me the company before I destroy your other nipple." The lady continued to laugh, in pain of course, at Harry's demand.

Soon enough she didn't have any nipples.

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