El Fin

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After a while of not having a clue of where Eleabeard was and glad she hasn't came back Louis and Harry chose to buy a house somewhere different. Only to forget about their horrible past.

"I fucking love you, ya know that right?" Louis whispered into Harry's ear.

Harry rolled around the bed to turn towards him, "Of course I know, baby." He paused, looking Louis in the eyes, "I also know that you look so good right now."

"Is that so?" Louis teased. "Too bad because we should be getting up for work about now!" Harry took a look over Louis' shoulder and saw they woke up late.

As they got up from bed the phone rang a mysterious tone, caller ID said work but it was in fact not work. "HdixiejdUEUEUEUEUDUDJSBDBDBDBDBDB," Harry dropped the phone.

The whore is back, Harry thought. Eleabeard promised she wouldn't come back. Certainly, he found out he couldn't trust any bitch a long time ago.

"Who's that, babe?" Louis said all the way from the bathroom. He didn't suspect a thing when Harry decided to lie.

"It was just work, we should probably head off soon."

"Whaaaaatever you say," Louis says with a smirk, kissing him on the cheek as he passes Harry.

They were on their way to work but the ride there was not what they expected. After a call from Eleabeard, Harry had his eyes everywhere. He couldn't trust himself with Louis anymore. Yet, he can't leave him alone due to the fact Harry doesn't want anything to happen to Louis.

"What's that noise rambling from the trunk, H?" Louis asked, Harry knew EXACTLY what it was.

"Uh let me see, yeh?" Harry parked the car over to the side of the rode and checked the trunk as Louis stayed in the passenger seat.

As soon as he unlocks it he sees Eleabeard, "You fucking bitch ass mother fucking cunt whore LIAR!" Harry's screaming is very loud. Louis has no clue what's going on because he turned on the radio full blast on Kanye West.

"FUERIJDJDJSJDDJDJ," Eleabeard rages at him.

Translation bitch?! Harry thought. He took out his phone and used Google Translate to get Demon into English.

Translates to: You cunt ass bitch you are the liar where is my boyfriend? oh wait he is dead! why, you ask? because he WAS MURDERED! by who? by ME!

"Alright, I see. Um well I honestly don't give a shit so get the fuck out... Please?" Harry was as sincere as possible.

Louis yells, "everything alright back there?" Harry needed to do something about the problem before Louis found out. Anything would work.

"Yeah I'll be there in a second," he whispers and starts talking to Eleabeard, "listen, I don't want to start shit so I request you get yourself a nice dress and go find someone yourself."

Eleabeard snorts out in laughter. She isn't like Harry at all, she wants what she wants. Harry on the other hand will take what he can get. She knows that he will never understands so she comes up with a plan herself. To fool him.

"JSJXJSKSKS k by," Eleabeard leaves Harry. He sighs in relief not knowing what's coming at him. He returns to the car.


After a calm few days, Harry is convinced that Eleabeard left. Louis left the house earlier to restock on frozen food and other stuff for their refrigerator as Eleabeard arrives.

She doesn't make herself noticeable so she can complete her sabotage in success. She sneaks up on Harry and POSSESSES HIM. He falls on his back and is left unconscious. When Louis returns he hesitated to call the ambulance although he was still breathing.

"Harry?" Louis says softly. Harry smiled as he woke up. His smile faded into an evil smirk. He sat up from his bed and looks Louis straight in the eyes. It's Eleabeard. Harry walks towards the balcony as he states at the view.

"I really wish I was as beautiful as this view, I really love you Louis. I do," Harry cries to Louis tears streaming down his soft pink cheeks. "I'm gone," He breathed in a tone that wasn't him.

Harry steps onto the balcony ledge, takes one last look at Louis. "What are you doing, Harry please?" Louis tries to save him but it wasn't possible.

Harry's gone, but so is Eleabeard. She thought if she couldn't have him, no one could.


The Haunting of Eleabeard (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now