17 | Recuperation

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It's been a few weeks since I decided to not show myself in public. Pretty sure everyone knows what happened to me. I just don't want to be the centre of attention at times like this. From what I heard, Sasha decided to kill her little brother, making Natalia turned into a living zombie.

I can't blame her since she's the one who gave birth to him, the one who carried him for 9 months. Every mother will be devastated if their kid simply die.

"Princess, mistress Natalia is here," I turned around to see Natalia smiling at me. She looks around before walking towards me.

"Pack your things, we're going overseas," huh? My things? Overseas? What for?

"I'll be waiting," I decided to just entertain her and went to pack my things. Once I'm done, I went to see her again before she led me to the car she came with earlier.

The drive was awkward since we both decided to be quiet until she speaks.

"I'm sorry for what my dead son has done to you. It's something that can't be fixed from apologising but still, I'm sorry for what he has done to you," the tone of her voice, I never heard that tone before. She's about to cry, isn't she?

"I'm learning how to accept things as they are," suddenly her hands on mine.

"I'm sure Sasha will take care of you better than her own life from now on. She has the same mindset as Valentine," I turned to face her.

"I know. Anyway, where are we going?" I asked.

"Russia. I just want to be with my family. With Sasha busy with her student philanthropy project, I guess you need some company as well. So, why not just join me going home to Russia?" And meet the whole Vladimir family?!

"I just want to leave all the bullshit behind, you know what I mean? My divorce is not going well because Silas decided to be a dick. Valentine's family doesn't accept Sasha, and they hated me. Valentine is working on making them accept us both. I just... I just need some me time for now," it must be hard to be Natalia at this moment.

"You wish for peace and quiet?" I asked before she nods. We arrived at the airport. We both got out and grab my things. Natalia didn't bring any since she's going home.

I followed her towards a counter as she pays for the trip.

"We're not using the private jet since it belongs to Silas," wait, I thought...

"He took your wealth?" Natalia froze up when she heard my question.

"That's another way to say it. The legal word is a prenup. I signed one of those atrocious things when I was marrying Silas. Dumb right? Now, all my hard work in bringing the Irisha's glory back to where it is now didn't benefit me at all," hold on, I think I know the real reason she's going back to Russia.

"Natalia, you're going back to get back to your own two feet, am I right?" She smiled before walking towards the boarding counter.

"Yes princess, I'm going home to be a Vladimir again,"



"I never thought be seeing you here, Natalia. You look like a homeless person," a man with a deep voice said when we arrived at the Vladimir castle. I was surprised to see that the place Natalia was born at is huge than the place where I was born and I'm a legit princess!

To live like this, they should be royalty!

"Adelaide, this is Gustow, my older brother. He's the current head of the Vladimir family," Gustow now his head in front of me.

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