5 | Mix Feeling

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"Miss President, do you have a minute or two to explain to me about this little spending you did with the school fund?" Asha looked down on the paper I placed in front of her and smile.

"Well, this is the cheque for my outrageous action." She handed me a cheque.

"That doesn't answer my question. What did you do with the money?!" I slammed my hand on the desk while glaring at her. She flinched before giving me her sheepish smiles.

"Well ... I bought that." She pointed at something. When I turned to the direction, I saw a coffee maker and some French pastry.

"How is it possible that you have to spend $10,000 for a coffee maker and some pastry?!" Again I glared.

"Because the pastry came from France and the coffee maker is expensive. What? It's for us and the coffee maker is for the future use of this room as well. Don't give me that look treasurer!" Treasurer? She called me treasurer?!

"My name is Adelaide. Please stop spending money like this. You have your own money to spend, right?" Again she's giving me the look.

"I am spending my own money here if you thinking about my parents, who owned this very school." This time, it's my turn to glare at the president.

"The principal gave us this money to be used for the school and students. Not for your own entertainment. If I caught you doing this kind of things again, mark my word Asha, you'll regret it." I said with a smile.

She gulped down before nodding her head vigorously.

Good, that's how it should be after all. Sometimes I wonder if the whole family acted this way because of their parents. But, knowing the Irisha couple, I never once see them acted out of character. They always so ... friendly.

"Adelaide, why don't you just date my sister. Her life is a mess, her money is everywhere, and her love life sucks. If you're there for her, I bet you can manage her life, get a hold of her money, and both of your love life flourish into such an amazing romance." Asha winked.

"First, I just know her. Second, I have money myself. Third, who says my love life sucks?" I asked her back.

"I said so, it suck. Since you came to the school, most of your partners and dates are either a distant relative of a royal family or just someone straight from a money maker family. Why not try date an assassin?" Asha wiggling her eyes brows.

"She's older than me and besides, I never dated a woman before." I bantered.

"So? Your eldest brother was 23 when he married the 16-year-old princess from the Nation of Astal. Married at 16, pregnant at 17, a mother at 17, pregnant again at 19, boom! A young mother." Asha really knows what to say at times like this.

And how the hell did she knows about my brother's sex life and when sister in law got pregnant? She's a woman full of mystery, a useless one If I may add.

"If you, God bless, marry my sister, you don't have to worry about getting pregnant since she doesn't have a penis." Was that suppose to be the perks?

"If you do wish for a child growing in you, I'm sure the scientist in Volin got that cover for you. It's the modern world, humans often play as God for their own curiosity. I'm sure they have a way for you to conceive my sister's child. They have that genius woman with them, Professor Hynera." Asha winked.

"Professor who?" I tried to change the subject of our conversation.

"She's a test tube child of Madam Althea, the wife of the dean, Irina Volin. As in test tube I mean she was created in a lab. It's a long story but long story short, she has a mind that exceeds human capabilities. I've been researching about Volin since I'm planning to go there once I'm graduate from here." Oh, that's news.

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