i. the new job and flashback

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IRENE LACHANCE is eating her tasty
dinner with her whole family at the─
dinner table. she's eating some carrots
and mashed potatoes. she's hungry.

"daddy, i got some news!" she glanced
over at her dad, he seems unpleasant.
her dad also seems grumpy and angry.

"yes sweetheart?" he faked a smile at a
girl, who is his daughter. "well, daddy i got a job at the blue joint diner!" her voice sounded so excited. "that's great but, your brother denny, got a full ride to a college to play football!" irene and her brother gordie, groaned; the two─siblings hate when all their dad talks about is, denny.

gordie whispered in his sister's ear as
he stood up from his seat, that's by the
dinner table. he cleared his throat like
a person with a cold.

"hey dad, i'm going to go hangout with
my friends!" he ran off. "yeah, me too"
she said before running off with him.

irene is at the old treehouse with her─
brother, gordie; also with his friends.
right now, chris is playing cards with
gordie and teddy. playing fairly.

irene laughed at chris's comments as─
she rolled her eyes. "hey sis, don't you
have work right now?" gordie grinned
at irene. she remembered quickly.

"oh! shit!" irene climbed out of the old
treehouse, vern of course; runs late to
the treehouse, teddy follows him as he
waves to irene. "bye guys!" she laughs,
"bye irene!" the four boys all say at the same.

"irene, you're late!" irene's boss daisy,
says. "sorry ma'm!" she replied with a
worried expression on her pretty face.
the girl is already into the busy blue─
joint diner. "alright get to work!" her
boss ordered at her, she smiled.

irene speed walked behind the messy
counter, grabbing an apron and care-
fully putting it around her own waist.

"order for those boys over there!" her
boss shouted at her, causing her to get
her notepad ready with a pen.

irene ran over to the booth; that has a
group of five boys in it. they all looked
at her, one of them is the leader ace or
"john" merrill. irene hates his guts.

he smirked at her, smoking his cancer
stick. "oh, the lachance sister has a job
here?" he commented. irene chuckled.
"obviously?..." she began to feel like a
bitch, the feeling feels good though.

"ya better watch out ace, she seems a
little fiesty!" richard "eyeball" ignoble
chambers laughed. irene sighed.

"if you guys are just going to continue
to be idiots, leave!" she yelled at them.
other customers hear the commotion.
ace chuckled, along with his gang.

"fine, i'm going to fucking order, what
i'm going to have is your number" he
winked at irene. irene rolled her eyes.
ace always tries to get with irene.

"no thanks, now what will you have?"
she furrowed her eyebrows looking at
him. "burger and fries, coke too. what
about you boys?" ace asked his gang.

GORDIE'S SISTER → ace merrillWhere stories live. Discover now