Jimin (BTS)

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I roll out of my bed with my head in my hands and a headache that could end with me any minute. I drag my feet to the kitchen and I feel about the kitchen counter looking for a pain killer. Why did I have to drink so much? Yesterday night I went out to have a night out with my friends.
While I have breakfast I decided to look through my texts. Please tell me that I haven't drunk texted anybody. Everything was great till I read my chat with my boyfriend.


Me: Hi Jiminseeee
Jiminie🌚: Hi?
Me: Have I ever told you that your butt is great? It's huge and so hard.
Jiminie🌚: Babe... are you drunk?
Me: Drunk? Ahahahahahaha noooooo
Me: I'm planning on dropping out of school and becoming a stripper.
Me:Would you like to see me????😏
Jiminie🌚: Who let you drink so much?
Me: I don't knowww hahahahahahaha
Me: I'm going to go for another drinkk
Jiminie🌚: Y/N no! Stop it!
Jiminie🌚: Where are you? Seen. 05:20
Jiminie🌚: Send me your location. Seen 05:20
Jiminie🌚: I'm on my way. Seen 05:20

I regret so much having drunk yesterday. I feel like trash. I haven't even bothered on putting on nice clothes. I'm with my pyjamas and my hair being a horrible mess. I throw myself to the sofa and grab some blankets.
-"Hi baby!"-I hear shouts coming from the front door.
-"Oh shut up or I'll punch you."-I say with my weak voice.
-"I knew you were going to feel like trash so I came here to make you some company"-Jimin says with his charming smile. -"So, what do you want to do?"-
-"Baby you're no fun".-He sits down and hugs me.
-"Did you bring me home yesterday?"-I ask with my head burried in his chest.
-"Yep! When I got there you were doing the chicken dance while you screamed. At first you told me that you didn't want to come with me because you had a boyfriend so I had to drag you out of the pub while you were yelling that you were being kidnapped"-he chuckles. -"Oh God I feel so embarrassed"-I groan trying to get away from him.
-"Now you've learnt that you have to drink with caution"-Jimin says with a smirk.
I give him a dirty look and push him away, put I don't know what would I do without him.

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