Chapter 30

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"So... are you going to answer that?" Scott asked me. 

A small part of me wants to answer her call just to see what she has to say- but I just can't. Emily is the most understanding girlfriend I could ever wish for and I don't want to fuck it up. We're in a good place right now. I'm doing all I can to keep this relationship from going to shit. 

I pressed 'decline' on my phone. "Nope." I told Scott. "Allison isn't worth it. I don't even know why she keeps contacting me. It's getting annoying. Like, it's clear that Emily and I are pretty serious at this point."

Scott put down his controller. "Look, Isaac. If you're just with Emily because she's my cousin, I don't think you should be with her. I know it would shatter her heart if she found out you are talking to Allison behind her back."

"You're not going to break up with Emily, are you?" Stiles asked. "Because, like, no offense, buttt we'd probably have to stop hanging out with you."

I began to feel angry. The type of anger you feel in your chest. Why the hell does everyone think I'm into Allison? I wanted to yell, but I need to keep my cool. I need to anchor myself.

I closed my eyes and pictured Emily the first day we met. Her long, brown hair was a mess- but I liked it. She looked like she had just woken up from a nap. And god, her eyes. The way the sun shined on her brown eyes turned them hazel- as if they were glowing. I wouldn't say 'that's when I knew she was the one' type of moments, but Emily has turned my life upside down- in a good way. She's opened up this part of me that I didn't know I had. When I'm with her, I feel free. All of my bad memories and negative thoughts in Beacon Hills are gone when she's with me. How could I ever let a girl like that get away?

"Of course not." 

As soon as I said that, I got a notification that Allison left me a voicemail.

"You should play that out loud." Scott said, curiously. 

I played the voicemail on speaker. 

"Hey Isaac, uh, it's Allison. I don't know if you got my text earlier today, but I don't see you at the party. I was... maybe hoping we could talk- you know, now that Emily moved back home. I know it might be too soon, but I-I was wondering if you still have feelings for me. I just need to know. Um, give me a call sometime. Bye." 

I couldn't tell if she was drunk or not. She talked fast and it sounded awkward.

But how do I even handle this situation? First, she thinks my girlfriend is gone for good and now wants to get back together? Do I tell her with Emily and explain that she didn't move back or tell Allison alone? Which is worse?

"What? Why does she think Emily moved back?" Scott asked. 

"Ooooo. She still likes you." Stiles said. "But I do have second hand embarrassment from that voicemail, though."

"I think she might have been listening in on my conversation with Emily when she was talking about having to go back to San Diego a couple days ago. This is a huge misunderstanding that went too far." Huh, the more I think about it, maybe Emily was right about that weird flirty smile she gave me.

"Are you going to call her back?" Scott asked. 

"I think I'm going to wait for Emily to come back and we'll figure something out. I'll call her later tonight and explain the whole Allison thing."

I feel like an asshole for keeping Emily in the dark this whole time. She's smart though. She probably knows something's up. 

"So you're going to ignore her all weekend?" 

"I mean, yeah. She's not my girlfriend and we aren't exactly friends anymore. I don't see why I should be obligated to reply to her immediately."

"Okay, he does kind of have a point." Stiles said to Scott. 

Scott shrugged and started playing Xbox again. "I guess you and Emily are actually pretty good together." He said, looking at the TV.

Stiles went to the kitchen and came back with another beer. 

Emily's POV

"Emily, are you home?" I heard my mom ask. 

"I'm in the kitchen. Love what you've done with the house by the way." I said, sarcastically.

I was almost afraid of what my mom was going to look like. I've never seen her pregnant. Only in photos. 

I heard her heels click against the tile, followed by heavy footsteps- my father's, I'm assuming. 

"It was a necessary change. Don't worry, I don't like it either." She said. 

Necessary? As in baby proofing the house?

I turned around and looked at my parents. I couldn't help but look at my mom's flat stomach. Maybe they're having a baby through a surrogate? I don't know. This doesn't add up.

There was an awkward silence between my parents and me. I decided to break it.

"We might as well get to the point. You know, why I'm here? I want answers and I know you have them."

My dad sighed. "We know. We never should have hid the truth from you for this long."

"There are certain things about Avery that you wouldn't understand. You wouldn't believe us."

"Like what?" I asked, crossing my arms. I leaned against the counter, staring at them. They both looked like they were at a loss of words. 

My dad paced around the kitchen. He closed his eyes before speaking. "She isn't exactly human. She's of... the supernatural."

Okay, we're getting to it. I know we're on the same page now. 

"Just tell her, Andrew. All of it." My mom said, anxiously. "We should sit. This might be a long conversation."

My dad looked at my mom and me as we all sat down. He pushed his glasses up. 

There was another moment of silence. I could tell he was just trying to gather his thoughts. 

"Emily, we're a family of werewolves. Avery was born a werewolf and she couldn't stay with us anymore. She had to stay with her pack or she would get weaker. Sometimes it skips generations, but now she has her own little baby wolf." He said, looking at me.

"Our grandchild has become our top priority- and the reason we had to send you to live with Aunt Melissa. But we are so close to creating the perfect cure for that baby. A cure for werewolves." My mom finally said. 

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