LoveBites (Isaac Lahey Fan Fiction)

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Emily's POV

I hated my parents for making me move to Beacon Hills. But at least I got to see my cousin Scott and Aunt Melissa. 

I dragged all my bags to the front of their house and knocked on the door. 

"Hey, Emily!" Scott said, "Let me get those." He picked up my bags and carried them inside. 

"Where's Aunt Melissa?" I asked, as I walked into the house.

"Oh, she's at work still," he looked at his watch. "Her shift ends in an hour so she'll be home pretty soon."

"Oh ok. Do you mind showing me where my room is? I'm pretty tired."

"Down the hall on the left."


I walked into my room and threw on some sweats and an old t-shirt. I crawled into bed and fell asleep. 

I woke up almost an hour later. I heard people talking in the kitchen so I got up to see who it was.

I walked in and saw Scott talking to a cute guy. A REALLY cute guy. I walked away, hoping they didn't see me. 

"Emily?" Scott asked. 

"Who's Emily?" The other guy said.

Oh shit. I looked like a mess. I REALLY  wish I wore makeup today. 

"Oh, um hey." I said awkwardly, trying not to look at Scott's friend. 

"Emily, this is Isaac."

"Nice to meet you." Isaac said, giving me a smile.

"Emily's my cousin. She just moved in with us and she's actually going to school with us this year, too." Scott explained. 

"Oh, I see. Well I better get going. Nice meeting you, Emily."

As he left the house, Aunt Melissa came in. I gave her a big hug and thanked her for letting me stay with them.

Scott's POV

I walked down the hall and looked in Emily's room. She was sleeping. Good. I went into my mom's room.

"Mom, we need to talk."

"I know."

I sat down next to her.

"Why would you let Emily stay with us? You know it's just going to put her in danger. I already have you to worry about."

"Look, Scott. When I agreed to let her stay with us, I didn't know."

"Well how do we explain this to her? I mean, eventually she's going to find out."

"Just wait for the right time, Scott. We don't want to overwhelm her."

The next morning, I practiced lacrosse with Stiles. I thought it would be a good idea to bring Emily.

We walked on the field, where Stiles was waiting for us. He saw Emily and dropped his gear.

"Hey Scott, could we have a word?" He said, pulling me aside.

"What's up?"

"Who- Who's that?" He asked, glancing at Emily.

"My cousin Emily."

"So she's not your girlfriend or anything?" Stiles asked me.

I shook my head. "Dude! She's my COUSIN! I'm still waiting for Allison, anyway."

"So you wouldn't care if I asked her out or anything?"

"I thought you still had the hots for Lydia?" I asked him, confused.

"Until I saw her."

Stiles gave Emily a smile and an awkward wink. She forced a smile back and gave me a weird look.

"Dude, you're creeping her out."

"I'm flirting with her."

"You haven't even spoken to her yet."

"Maybe it would help if you introduced us, Scott."

I rolled my eyes at him. 


We walked towards Emily.

"Emily, this is my friend, Stiles. Stiles, this is my cousin Emily."

"Nice to meet you." 

"You too, Emily."

She held out her hand for him to shake. Instead of shaking her hand, Stiles grabbed it and kissed it. Emily gave me a weird look.

"Maybe we should practice now, Stiles." I told him.

He let go of Emily's hand and she walked away.

We put all our gear on.

"You better play fair this time, Scott. No wolf powers." He said.

I glared at him.

"Shut up!" I whispered at him, hoping Emily didn't hear what he said.

"Did you just say 'wolf powers'?" She said, laughing.

Too late. She heard him. I'm screwed.

"Yes- I mean no. No. Absolutely not. It's not like Scott's a werewolf or anything."

"If you don't shut up I swear I'm going to hit you." I whispered.

"Yeah, I'll stop talking now..." Stiles said.

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