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Dr.Fenris stood over his tools and sighed. This sigh turned into a cough, and soon the doctor was wiping blood on his arm. He sniffed and a droplet of blood was sucked back up his nose only to dribble back down onto his lip where it lingered and spread inside to cover his blackened teeth. He spread his lips and picked at his gums in front of the mirror . The illness had worsened. The cough had become painful, debilitating even. He moved back to his desk where a solitary orb light was cradled by a simple wire stand. It illuminated the glass desk highlighting a microscope and a row of neatly labeled vials filled with blood. The doctor sat and began to write notes. After a few minutes he mixed a drop of blood from one solitary vial to his right with one picked from the tray to his left. He placed the sample under the microscope and grabbed the cradled orb light. He placed it in a hammock under the glass table and microscope and examined the reaction.

" White blood cells engaging the disease." He spoke as he wrote.
" Virus adapting, immiting antibodies. White blood cells attacking each other. " He scribbled his notes into a pad without looking

" Sample zero two thirteen , same results as other control samples." He added a drop of a metallic liquid.

" Virus consumes magnetised Iron." He watches as the viruses are pulled together, forming clumps and then a single mass. They still battled. But now they were unable to consume all that surrounded them. They moved slowly. And within the center they duplicated themselves, versions without iron. These spawns were trapped and unable to move against the writhing mass of cells.

" Virus slowed, but still present and multiplying."

He added another drop of a black liquid and he observed the results. A stream of small black spheres was drawn by the iron and covered each piece. The viruses expanded and began to burst, some were shredded and torn apart as the metallic mass yearned to be united. Many of the fresh viruses in the center were crushed but several escaped and began the cycle anew. White blood cells destroyed each other until the sample was destroyed.

The doctor sighed and repeated the experiment several more times.

He leaped out of his seat. Then sat down quickly and continued to examine specimen AB twenty seven seven.

" What is this" he gasped

Among the cells were small dark objects. They moved with incredible speed and destroyed the virus completely, dismantling it.

Dr.Fenris held the vial of blood up as he removed the cloth from the orb light. He read the label carefully and laughed. He carefully placed the vial back into its holder and rushed to the other side of the room where a speaker with a single button attached to the wall.
He tapped several times in a rhythmic fashion . The speaker beeped in return.


"Connect to line 467638"

" Connecting"

It beeped at a slow tempo until a pause, and more tapping.

" Doctor, what do you need"

" I need you to find someone"

There was a silence

"Dead or alive?"

" Alive"

" That's extra, you got the chips?Thirty K"

" Fifty, and don't fuck up"

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