twenty eight

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chapter twenty-eight !
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┌                                                    ┐ chapter twenty-eight !└                                                     ┘

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Luna exhaled deeply, fog left her lips as she stared at the city lights under her and fixed her position on the edge of the rooftop. She dangled her feet, one front, the other behind, and continuously did it until she felt her legs sore. The silence had taken over her and her companion, who continued to stare at her trying to figure her out.

"I really can't believe we're talking about this." Luna chuckled drily, finally meeting MJ's brown eyes. "I thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you. I never did." The girl shrugged, not breaking eye contact exactly how she was trained to do. "You know, Luna, it'd be easier to help you if you cooperated."

The brunette swallowed calmly and returned her attention to the cars passing by. "It's not that easy, MJ." She shook her head. "I grew up in an environment where voicing your emotions or opinions can be dangerous."

"I wouldn't hurt you, and I won't let the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. hurt you, either."

"It's easier saying it than doing it, don't you think?" Luna didn't mean to snap. "Listen, I do want to help you, I'm sorry if it doesn't look like it but my head is still trying to wrap around everything you've told me."

The left corner of MJ's lip curved upward before clearing her throat. "I know it's a lot to process, that's why I'm giving you–"

"Leo told me something the other day... Something that has been bothering me."

"What is it about?"

"About my biological mom. Apparently I have these weird powers because of her, and she's coming back to pass me down more... abilities."

"I didn't know you're adopted." MJ mumbled, finally breaking eye contact with the girl. "I'm sorry."

Luna paused, uncertain of what to say. "Don't worry about it. It's not that important." Another sigh left her lips and an uncomfortable silence took over. "I think Otto is after me. That's why my mom came to me the other night, to warn me."

"And what are you planning to do if he finds you?"


Words got stuck in her throat the moment her ringtone interrupted her, she frowned. It was very late, and the only person that could call her at such unholy hours of the night was Peter. The preoccupation gave her a chill all the way to her fingertips, she bit her lip and met MJ's eyes.

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