[YALL JUST A WARNING: there might be a little tiny bit of sadness and fighting just be warned <3<3 p.s. but what chapter isn't sad honestly. My book is just depressing smh]
"Explain by how you mean 'maybe'," Stiles fumbled with his fingers and flannel sleeve. He stayed quiet, not uttering a word.
Scott glowed his red eyes before going to demand. "Scott just because you glow your eyes on me, doesn't make me tell you. I'm your best friend not your beta so you can't control me with those," he scoffed annoyed with Scott's actions.
Scott mumbled a sorry before lowering his head. "Look, we are just hunters. It's all, they have my back when I need help," Scott picks up the 'we' that Stiles had carelessly said.
"Hold on you kill people?" Stiles sighs. "No, Scott we don't kill people. We kill the supernatural," this didn't make Scott any more happy or relived.
Personally knowing them both, they would probably end up in a fight and not talk for days which will slightly tear apart the pack. They are the ones that bring laughter with stupidity.
"That doesn't make it any better. We don't kill anyone in this pack," My heart was going a bit faster. This is a very serious matter to Scott and finding out that Stiles hunts doesn't make him happy.
"Scott, we kill the supernatural to save other people's lives. The supernatural I hunt is nothing like what you hunt here," Stiles glances at me and notices my worry and uneasiness.
"Look, I don't wanna fight, okay? You wanted to know and I told you. Now I don't want Liam to worry more than he already is," I thought it was over. But Scott wasn't satisfied.
Stiles sighed when he noticed, "Yea after how long? Years? We save people too but we don't kill the supernatural," while Scott ranted, Stiles chuckled and took out his phone. "This is exactly why I didn't tell you," his phone up against his ear.
I didn't have to listen, because I knew what was going to happen, "Yea, Dean, can you pick me up?" I worriedly start to shout.
"No, no, Stiles, it's okay just ignore this and stay please. Don't go you too," my eyes averted all over his face. "Please," I felt Scott's hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off.
"I will be back tomorrow, I just can't right now. I'm sorry Liam," I hug him tightly, not wanting to let him go. I hated when they fought and especially now when we have so much going on. Why does something always have to fuck up?
He leaves the room to most likely tell Lydia what is going on. I turn to Scott who hold a look for guilt.
"This is why there are secrets. To keep people like you from judging us," I know its a messed up thing to say considering our situation at the moment but I really did not care at the moment.
I was sad and hurt but what days am I not anymore?
I leave the room to go meet Stiles and Lydia. They were talking in their room with Stiles' shirt off. He showed a tattoo to Lydia and she nodded with a frown.
"I'll be back tomorrow," they bid goodbyes and he turns to me. "That's what protects you, isn't it?" he nodded.
He was a supernatural that hunted demons and other more dangerous things than we ever have.
"Stay safe, we dont need to loose you too," Lydia hugged my side as Stiles replaced his shirt and walked out with us trailing.
Two older looking guys, by like 5 to 8 years, get out of a car to greet Stiles. They wave at Lydia like they already knew her and gave me a nod.
"I'll be back tomorrow," he got in after the two and they sped off.
What else does the universe want for us to have fucked up?
I honestly have no idea what my books are anymore. Like their sad and then happy and its just bipolar.
She doesn't know what she wants.
Do you guys like my book like this??? Just wondering...

The Finding
FanficSequel to; Stupid Love "Do you smell that?" I say cutting off Theo when he began saying jokes. "What is it?" he began smelling the air looking for the familiar scent that I had smelt not 2 minutes ago. "It smells like-" Scott began but I cut him off...