Chapter 4: The One They Fear

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A/N: Yep... Remember the Teaser Bethesda made for the game?

"I see. Well then, let's go find my court magician. I'm sure you can he-" 

Balgruuf was suddenly cut off when Marvous showed a 'one sec' finger while he was looking through his satchel. After a few short silent seconds, he brought out the Dragonstone from his adventure in Bleak Falls Barrow. 

"I think this is what he needs." 

He said with a smirk. 

"I'll go alone. I wanna see what kind of face he'll make." 

He said. The Jarl nodded with a chuckle. He then walked towards the magician's room on the right side of the throne. He then went into the room seeing an old man in blue robes. 

"Hello, mister Court Magician." 

He said with glee. The robed man looked up from his paperwork. 

"Hm? And who might you be?" 

He asked with a hint of hostility. 

"Ah, the research for that project might just come around in a good way for you!" 

He said with a smile making the mage more curious. 

"Project? What a-" 

The mage was cut off when he was about to walk over to Marvous but was stopped. 

"Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't step there if I were you. A simple shock and burn from that would kill you in an instant." 

He said with a smirk. The mage looked down and saw a peculiar magic rune on the floor. 

"What is this? When did you cast it?" 

He said with astonishment. 

"Let's just say that when it comes to magic, swordplay and potion brewing, I'm peerless."

 Marvous replied nonchalantly. He then dispersed the spell with ease. 

"And I presume you're looking for this." 

He said while grabbing the stone from behind him. The mage was wide-eyed seeing this. 

"It's about time the Jarl gave me someone who isn't all boorish." 

He said with a chuckle. Marvous gave the mage the Dragonstone and the mage analyzed. Before long, Irileth, the Jarl's housecarl came in. 

"Farengar, there's been a dragon sighted. The Jarl's looking for you." 

She told the mage. 

"A dragon?! Oooh! How exciting!" 

He gleefully shouted and ran towards the second floor of the building. 

"The Jarl may need to speek with you, too." 

The dunmer said while pointing at Marvous. The nord nodded and followed after her. After walking a set of stairs, The Jarl, a guard who was very exhausted and Farengar were waiting. 

"Good, it seems like we're all here. Tell the Jarl what you told me." 

She told the guard who was still heavily panting with his hands on his knees bending.

 "*pant* Y-yes." 

He complied while panting. 

"My Jarl." 

He said now somewhat composed. 

"A dragon has been sighted near the watchtower." 

With this statement, different facial expressions could be seen. The housecarl was still showing a facade but her heart could heard to beat faster. The Jarl was wide-eyed and his jaws dropped. Farengar was somehow excited. Marvous just crossed his arms and smirked. "I'll take care of it." Said the smirking nord. His blue eyes glimming confidence. The three just looked at him dumbfounded. 

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