Chapter 5

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He was staring, but he couldn't help it. The sound of a clock ticking filled the room, along with the quiet mumbles from Draco's mouth. His hair was blue! Harry just couldn't seem to shake that off his mind. First Malfoy was acting weird... Now his hair is blue... What the fu-
"Potter, do you want my help or not?" Spoke a stuck up voice.
"No, no course I do!"
"Then pay attention," Draco snapped, "I'm doing this out of the goodness in my heart, the least you can do is pay attention and answer my questions!"
"Please, as if you have goodness in your heart. You only agreed to do this for the extra credit!" Argued Harry.
"I'm not the one failing." Finished Draco.
Harry hated it when he won. He just always had to have a good come back worthy of destroying one's self-confidence.

There was a moment of silence. Tension in the air and neither boy was willing to make eye contact.
Draco let out a sigh, "Harry..."
That was new. Harry turned to look at the Slytherin, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
Draco was not only acting differently but he looked it too. Normally he could be found pulling off some posh suit his Mother had sent in, his blonde locks combed back to perfection. Now? His posh clothes were replaced with a baggy long-sleeved black shirt and black skinny jeans. His leather boots, although looking worn away at the heel, appeared heavy and uncomfortable. His platinum hair was now electric blue and fluffy. He looked punk. Almost cool if Harry didn't think he was such an ass.
"Harry, in case you've failed to notice I don't care about your education. Of course I want extra credit if I'm going to be helping you. Why would I do you a favour? As if you'd do one for me? Don't write me down as a villain because I'm helping you with homework, you're not that stupid." Draco said quickly. He let out a long breath, as if he had been wanting to get that off his chest for a while.
"Doesn't mean you're not a villain..." muttered Harry, but Draco heard.
"Not any more." Draco muttered back. Though he wasn't sure if Harry heard since he didn't reply.

Later, in the Gryffindor common room Harry and Ron sat contently by the fire. Ron was speaking about his newest romance with Lavender Brown, a perky girl from their house. Although he was into her when they first begun to date, feeling flattered by her interest, he was now worried she was becoming too possessive. He knew Hermione didn't like her and was disgusted by their public displays of affection, but that was normal right? For girls to be like that? It was all so confusing for Ron but Harry was solving his own mystery.
What did Draco mean by "not any more". Maybe he denied the Dark Mark? No, his Dad would disown him why would he do that? He's been brought up in a Death Eater's household, he would have jumped at the chance to take the Dark Mark! Right? Course, that's what made sense.

"Hermione's mad at me, isn't she..." Ron sad sadly.
"Yeah... I don't think she wants to be. She just doesn't trust Laven-"
"Lavender... Yeah I know. I just want my best friends to get along with my girlfriend. Maybe then she wouldn't be so worried all the time... I just wish 'Mione wouldn't be mad at me for it..."
Harry patted Ron of the back as a sign of comfort for the poor ginger. Must be nice to have normal problems like that. What his girlfriend thought of his friends... How he would do in his next Quidditch game...
Seemed like utter bliss to the younger.

They continued to talk, sometimes letting out a laugh at the others corny jokes before heading up for bed. The next day would be Saturday. Harry and Draco agreed to meet and study through Lunch (Hermione would be joining them, as to keep an eye on Malfoy). It was going to be a long day...

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