Zodiac Four

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Your enemy is ??? and some helpful advice is...

Capricorn - BEN Drowned (Keep water with you at all times)

Aquarius - Nina The Killer (I hope you beat her in a fight)

Pisces - Rainbow Factory Rainbow Dash (she's pretty fast so ur done for)

Aries - Pinkamena (Just stay away from all cupcakes)

Taurus - Clockwork (Uh... Yeah I got nothing)

Gemini - Jane the Killer (Just stay away from her)

Cancer - Candy Pop (don't know anything about him either)

Leo - Glitchy Red (Nothing for him either)

Virgo - Laughing Jack (Don't take any candy he offers you)

Libra - Hoodie (Just avoid him [changed since I only just learned the reason behind the joke])

Scorpio - Laughing Jill (Don't go near her or her chainsaw)

Sagittarius - Jeff the Killer (Well, you're dead)

Lol. Every chapter so far has been written in the last five minutes. And where I am it is currently 1:05 in the morning. Lol 😁 I'm not even tired 🤣

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