Zodiac #8

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(This is scenario, yay)

After Phantom finished with Lj, he was on the floor, begging for mercy. "That's what you get for stealing my snacks!" (Read the last two parts with the virgo sign to understand this)

Smiling she turns to Virgo. "You know what, you're cool, So I won't hurt ya!" Grinning, she gives Virgo a high five. "Now then!" She runs through the mansion screaming "Let's have a random party!"

Most people agreed, but others denied. The ones who denied were: Cancer, Leo, Libra, Jane, Slendy, Bloody Painter and puppeteer.

Using her brilliant persuasive skills (well, more like threatening to force them to watch My Little Pony if they didn't) Phantom managed to convince them all to go to the party.

Grinning, she got her phone out and started blasting music, climbing on the tables she started singing. Gemini, Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus joined in, as well as some pastas (Jeff, Toby and BEN).

While these lot were singing or in some cases (BEN) sounding like a dying cat on helium, Sagittarius and Sally were watching and clapping along to the music. 

"Had to have high high hopes for a living! 

Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing!

Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision!

Always had high high hopes!"

The group sang, fully enjoying themselves. Until a tentacle wrapped around each of their legs.

"Will you please be quiet?!" Slender demanded dangling the 'performers' upside down by their ankles. 

Suddenly out of nowhere, he received a pillow to the face from Pisces. "Shut up stick man!"  

Slender instantly dropped them all, causing them all to land on their heads. Capricorn landed with their head in the bin, thankfully, Virgo helped them out.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Phantom yelled, grabbing a pillow and slamming it full force into Aquarius's, who had been sitting on their phone the whole time, face.


This lead to an all out pillow fight. Or more like war.

Finally, there was only two left standing on each team.Scorpio, who had no interest in the party, until the pillow fight started, and Libra.

For the Pasta's it was Toby and Phantom.

Phantom and Toby sat in their pillow fort. "Listen Toby, we have lost many comrades in this war. But we must show them their sacrifice wasn't in vein." Phantom whispered. Toby nodded. All the other's who were watching the fight face-palmed. 

"You know we're all still alive right?!" Jeff yelled.

Ignoring him, Phantom continued "We will fight in the honour if those who have fallen!"

"YEAH!" Toby cheered, before running out, yelling a battle cry. 

Standing up and stepping out of the fort, Phantom scanned the area. Suddenly, something caught her eye. She saw Scorpio throw a pillow towards Toby.

"TOBY!" she yelled, jumping in front of him and taking the hit.

She fell to her knees. "NOOOOOOO!" Toby yelled, grabbing her.

"Ph-phantom!" He sobbed. The girl in his arms gently smiled at him. 

"I'm...sorry.... Toby...." And with that, her eyes closed and her head fell back.

"Noooooo! She didn't deserve this!" 

"She's still alive!" Jeff called over, but Toby ignored him.

"YOU DID THIS!" He yelled, looking at Scorpio and Libra. He then yelled another battle cry and ran at Scorpio and Libra, and beat them.

Phantom, who had managed to sneak over to the side, looked at what was going on, sweat dropping. "He actually thought I was dead didn't he?"

"Yep." Jeff sighed.

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