Hydra Stings

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Hey, so the red back oart is discontinued. I'm making an n actuall book about it. If you want me to make it a oneshot then I will. I just don't want to spill the book.

In this chapter Peter has been captured by Hydra for two months. What had they done to him?

Tony and the avengers have been searching for Peter. It has been two months since he had disappeared. The evidence shown it was Hydra had captured him.

Nat and Bucky were especially frantic. The experience they had was truly terrifying. They could never be the same.

Natasha felt a pit digging into her stomache. Thinking about the torture, pain and loneliness he could be feeling, and if right now. And yet they were doing no action.

They needed to be sure.

They were breaking into the fifth hydra base this month. They were really searching everywhere. Breaking in every base they could find.

Tont wouldnt stop searching. Fighting. Searching. Fighting. He had no sleep. He was not ready to have that. Bruce was on edge. He was running in our coffee. Steve was worried as hell. He had this angry vibe that could spread.


That was what they all were. What they all felt.

The Hydra base was much more secured than the others. That had to mean something.

They couldnt

Hydra agents began coming left and right. bodies dropping everywhere. Steve's shield breaking the skulls of others and retracting back to him. He didnt care anymore. He just wanted to get this over with and have Peter Back. Natasha didnt even hesitate to kill. To her, Hydras blood was white. The white that would wipe the blood off her ledger. Bruce was Hulked out. Smashing all the tanks that were prepared for then to come. None of the bullets affected him. Sam was shooting so many bullets. You would be surprised to how long his ammo lasted.The fight continued on. It didnt last that long. The avengers finally ended the fight and approached a man.

"Huh. I thought you would at least fight faster. It took you two months just to find him." The man said.

Anger overcame Tony and raised his repulor towards the man.
"Tony dont. We need answers and he has him." Natasha warned. The charging sound of the repulse rang. "Tony! Don-" the repulsor cut off Steve.

The body dropped and revealed Peter shaking and trembling in the cell.

They blasted the cell open and immediately threw arms around him.

He flinched just before. They deflected seeing what just happened. His back was toward them. He was shielding his chest.

"Hey Pete, you okay?"

No answer.

Natasha reached a hand towards him and he winced. As if he was about to get hit.

Bucky and Nat gave eachother a look. In their eyes it said "What did they do to him?"

"Pete. It's just us." Tony said with real concern.

Peter started rocking back and foward, silently whispering but the avengers could here. "Its f-fake. I-its all fake." He began shaking his head. They all looked at eachother.

Tony walked in front of him. But once Peter saw his face. He instantly went for a hug. Punches of sound barely came out and he sobbed.

Tony pulled away and looked at the kid who was like his son.

The front of his suit was completely torn off. There was whip marks and letters tattoes into burned into him.

Hydra marked him.

"C'mon kid. Let's go home."

Peter nodded and the avengers followed.

They walked away from the place that was temporarily his personal hell.

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