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This is only part one.

This chapter is longer than the other part.
I have been typing way less, so I thought I would make the effort to type a sorta detailed one.

This took me so damn long.
This does not seem like my usual type of writing, but this is what my story books will be like.

I even used figurative language.

Mrs. Rostrata should be proud.
I hope you enjoy >.<

Flash Thompson haters will ;)

Peppers voice cut into his dreams and he reluctantly opened his eyes.

He looked at his digital clock, but was still unable to see it clearly.

It was late, he could tell. The light had lost that early morning light blue colour and streamed boldly through the window.

He'd stayed up too late the night before, patrolling. To get his mind off of recent events

It was the night of the new moon at the time, so he ended up just gazing at the sky. It reminded him of his time on the planet Ti-


Pepper playfully threw a pillow at him. Seeing as he was just sitting there.

"ack!" He yelled, awfully surprised.

"C'mon Pete. Time to get up, she said with a big smile on her face. She left the room when receiving a call.

The two had gotten closer, after his adoption a year ago. It was really like they were mother and son.

"Peter!" Pepper yelled, after her call ended.

"Almost ready!" he lied as his feet hit the wood floor. His jeans lay on top of his dresser next to the window. The very window he swung out of them the night before.

He hurriedly pulled his pants up. And grabbed fresh shirt, while throwing a grayish blue sweater on top.

"Peter!"His mother's voice had a warning note.
Peter leaped down the back stairs and into the kitchen. His mom had granola and orange juice waiting for him.

She must have been distracted, because she had also poured him a cup of coffee. She was sorting through a stack of papers.
Pepper was a woman of determination. Although she was the CEO of Strak Industries, she had no difficulty managing home life and Peter.

Things like school schedules, lunch money, and making sure Peter was happy and healthy.

Pepper looked at her watch and groaned. "I've got to get you to school! I'm supposed to be at a meeting in an hour.

She shoved a large blue bottle across the table toward him. "Don't forget to take your medicine."

She neatly places her papers a suitcase. "I'll be at the compound all morning and in court this afternoon."

"Don't forget I have a decathalon meet after school," Peter said. "Y'know...In case you get home first."

Pepper was a worrier. She always said it was because he'd almost died. Well, actually died. Dust and everything.

Personally, Peter thought it was stupid. He patrolled every night anyways. Some people always worried, like the avengers. Others never did, like people at school.

But of course they wouldn't know.

"No patrolling tonight, you have a test tommorrow. Then she raced to get the keys, but FRIDAY alerted there someone at the penthouse door.

Peter looked up surprised. "Hey, Ned. Why are you here?"

"Oh I just wanted to walk with you to school today." Ned replied.

Peter turned to Pepper with puppy dog eyes.
"Go ahead" She smiled.

We gotta move! If we get to school early enough, we can use the wood glue in workshop to stick the Death Star lego set!"

Peter slapped his forehead and grabbed his bag. "You were hassling me for that. Really?"

"Uhh, yeah." Ned smiled, as Peter sotly chuckled.

"School starts early enough in the day as it is," he grumbled as he followed Ned down the street at a fast pace.

After a few miles they cut across the grassy square and threaded their way between the classic sandstone buildings of Midtown High.

The streets beside it lined with lined with ancient oaks and maples with metal fencing around it.

The Subway entrance next to the field with kids pouring out of it.

By the time they got there, homeroom was about to begin.

They ended up coming later, beacuse Peter had wanted to stop by the Deli, that was rebuilt last year. An annonymous donation by the one and only Pepper Potts, still CEO of Stark Industries.

It wasn't until Peter was seated in homeroom and the first bell had already rung that he realized he had forgotten to take his medicine.

What was amazing was that it had never happened before. The perfect record so far was his mother's doing The medicine was priority one with her. She never forgot, not once, not this time either.

He was the one who'd messed up Peter knew the history well enough. He knew what was going to happen. Doctor Harr, a famous Doctor Harr, who was curently in France. Would have to schedule an appointment with him overseas to steal him from the jaws of death.

Pepper would freak, and Doctor Harr would deflate the problem, but would remin that the medicine is important.

Without appointments she still visited the States once or twice a year, and would give Peter a checkup. She'd do a brief physical, run her hands over the muscles in his arms and legs and chest, listen to his heart with an unusual cone-shaped stethoscope, check his height and weight and blood pressure, and of course his mental health.

Mental health was really the problem.

Each visit ended with another reminder to take his medicine. Doctor Harr always delivered a new supply on her visits as well, and his mother ordered more.

The medicine in the blue bottle had taken up a big space in the pantry.

No one was home to bring it to him, he knew. Pepper would be in her meeting, or at the compound, unreachable at both places.

Dummy would be unable to reach the school.

This was going to be a struggle

and he was beggining to freak out.

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