Part 11

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Sorry that your getting bored of Maya's P.O.V, you'll get AJ's soon...

"I'm the fuckin King. I have power, looks and everything that you wish you had" ~AJ Mitch

*Maya's P.O.V*

He's been staring at me for twenty minutes, his white shirt is covered in tea stains and he's giving me a killer look, he walks out heading toward me. So I move closer to the bed, he comes closer still looking at me as he grabs the the tea cup. He take some final look at me before walking out, I change into pajamas and I quickly get into bed. I turn my light off, and I fall asleep. But I was awoken by my bed dipping, "Mhmm". I hear the voice say in a soft moan. Their nose pressed deeply into my neck, and I slap them in the face, "Stopp..." they say and I slowly move to the end of the bed, before falling with a thud.

A laugh fills the room, and I turn my lamp on and I see AJ, wearing just boxers. "That was funny!" He says wiping tears from his eyes, "Yeah right", I said rolling my eyes and I see him looking at me with his dark piercing eyes. "Don't Roll your eyes at me", he says trying his best to stop from snapping at me. I ignore him, and I face the wall, "Turn around!" He says sharply. I turn and I face him, "Yes AJ?" I say bitterly. He gives me a straight face and I scowl when he sits and faces away from me, "You're pathetic!" He says sighing and I hear his fist hit the wood table next to him, I cover my ears and I could see a tiny smirk appear on his face. "Does that annoy you Maya?" He says keeping a poker face on, "No it doesn't AJ" I retorted back.

He gives me a hard stare before grabbing his gloves, "Where you going?" I say looking at his black leather gloves, "Out" he says slamming the door behind him. I frown at the door he just walked out of, I grab the handle but it's locked. What the heck? Why won't he let me go! I walk to my bedroom, and I grab a notebook which was placed on my night stand, that's odd. I never placed it there, I look at the first page and it looks to be writing in cursive, I see AJ's name there. I look for a pencil which I find next to the notebook, I write down a diary.

'Dear Diary, it's me Maya. I've been imprisoned by one of my good friends from middle school, he doesn't remember me. And when I try to show him it's me Maya. He snaps at me, and treats me like I'm his next slaughter victim. Which I think I am, if anybody else finds this diary. Please avenge my death, please tell everyone what a horrible human being my kidnapper is. I hope I can get out of this alive, I would hate to rot in this place without seeing any of my friends, or even the world again. Why did you kidnap me AJ? Do I mean anything to you, was I someone you wanted to hurt or was I someone you wanted to keep. Because if you read this, I hope you understand that I want to be released back home. I hate living here, you treat me like shit. Even though I was the only one who was nice to you back then, I wish you could understand. I'm sorry for what those kids did to you, they were jerks but I hope you can forgive me. ~ Maya

I closed the notebook down, and I laid down on the bed sighing. I close my eyes and soon darkness covers, I wake up to a loud slam, I rise up and I open my door to see a bloody AJ. His hands are soaked with blood, and his clothes are stained, he catches my eye and he says in a sharp tone, "Why the fuck are you staring at me?" He says and I immediately apologize before closing the door behind me, twenty minutes later AJ calls me for dinner but I ignore his call. I could tell he was getting very impatient, so I decided to close my eyes but apparently he didn't that ever so lightly. He roughly shook me awake, and when I looked at him, he gave me a cold pissed off look "Why did you ignore me? That wasn't smart of you, you got me pissed off!" He says grabbing my wrist and yanking me hard up, "Now eat. I'm tired of waking your stupid lazy ass!" He says harshly and I held back my anger, if I snapped back at him, he would kill my family or he would teach me a lesson. Usually a knife would make me stop bad-talking, he glared at me before taking me to my seat. "Sit and eat", he says not saying a word as he takes a bite out of his steak, his steak is medium rare and I could see blood on his lips. He catches me staring and he replies with an 'Ahem' I look at him and he says calmly, "What are you staring at Maya? Can you at least eat your food". He says looking at my piece of steak and cooked veggies, "Yes Sir" I say cutting a piece of steak and popping it into my mouth, "Want some of mine?" He says forking a piece of steak with his fork, I look at him and I calmly say "No I'm good". He nods and pops it back into his mouth.

Soon it was dessert time, we both were served with ice cream and cookies. "Enjoy" the server says dipping his head. "Thanks Maxwell" AJ says taking a spoonful of his ice cream, "Enjoy" AJ says going back to his dish.

Thanks for so many reads!
WOO 1014 words!

Enjoy ❤️❤️

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