Every Thought Of You 2

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Chapter 2

I was rescued. That boy saved my life, if I'd been in that bank any longer I would have surely been killed too.

But what about all of the other people in the bank at the time? I wanted to be grateful, but the anger was pushing past and consuming me.

Why didn't he save someone that needed help, someone that if they had lived, would have a chance of leading a better life than I ever could.

I looked over at Cole who was now stood up leaning against the wall talking to a nurse.

He looked the worse I had ever seen him, his hair tasseled all over the place and his once white crisp shirt; stretched, tear marked and crinkled.

He glanced over at me and gave me a small smile as the nurse left and he began to walk back over to my bed.

"How you feeling Mais?"

"Horrible" I muttered quietly. Cole sat on the plastic chair next to the bed, allowing his head to lull back against the pale yellow walls.

"Well," he breathed out, "in a few more hours I'm going to take you home."

"Home" I whispered, the word not feeling right on my tongue.

What was home now with only Cole and I. How could we possibly walk back through the doors or our house parentless, feeling empty and hollow.

I lay there motionless staring at the evidently ageing ceiling, I didn't feel anything. How could 24 hours so much change?

"Maisie... Maisie?" Coles deep voice brought me back to reality.

"Uh hm?" I tilted my head to face him, keeping it firming on the pillows, making no effort to move.

"These next few weeks aren't going to be easy, you're going to have to do a lot of things. Statements to the police, funerals and visit their bodies," he paused at that last part. "But we're going to do this together, you and me, Maisie and Cole, I'm not saying its going to be easy, but we'll do it, I'm going to be right by your side."

At that moment his mobile began to ring, filling the claustrophobic room with noise. He looked at me as if to ask for permission to answer it. I nodded.

"Try sleeping for a little while Mais, try to regain some energy for when we leave the hospital."

I nodded again and he kissed my forehead and left to answer his phone outside.

I dreaded the feeling of going home, it made me feel sick, so I closed my eyes and blocked out the world, but as I let sleep consume me, the visions came back. The visions of him on the beach, glowing in the setting sun.

Never once turning towards me, never once showing me his face.

I was awoken by a knocking on the door, Cole was now back in the room, he scrambled up from the chair to answer it, and in walked my biggest nightmare.

The police.

A built man and tall lean woman stood in the door way quietly discussing something with Cole.

I closed my eyes again hoping they would think I was asleep so I wouldn't have to talk to them, but Cole walked over slowly and shook me lightly trying to get my attention.

"Maisie, the officers are here to talk to you, they need a statement of what happened, just tell them everything you told me" he whispered.

"I understand you don't want to talk to them, but it has to be done. I'm going to be out in the corridor. I'm going to collect your clothes and phone that the nurses took when you were brought in here."

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