Every Thought Of You 8

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Chapter 8

"Jesus Christ!" I whispered under my breath, not meaning for anyone to hear. He actually exists. He's not someone my imagination has made up. The person I have been dreaming about... Actually exists.

He sat not too far in front of us, his head lulled to the side and his soft hair covering the side of his face.

I wanted so badly to run my fingers through that silky blond hair. To turn him around and stare into those eyes that I so desperately wanted to gaze into, to explore... to get lost in. I wanted to place my hands upon his back, to feel his muscles gently rippling beneath my gentle touch, to-

"Maisie... Maisie!" I heard Charley whispering harshly next to my ear, her voice breaking through my thoughts and snapping me out of my daydream.

"Mm hm?" I mumbled, keeping my eyes locked onto him, not daring to look away incase he disappeared and I never saw him again.

"You spaced out for a bit there girly. What's up? Something on your mind?" She glanced towards my direction, trying to get a glimpse of what my train of sight was latched into.

"What are you looking at?" She asked exasperated and a little too loudly, causing some people sat near us to turn and look at her with strange expressions.

"What're you all looking at?" She asked with arched eyebrows, looking at the people turned around in their seats looking at her.

And there goes my spunky confident best friend.

"God I wish some people would just mind their own business." She slumped back down in her chair exasperated, shaking her head. "What were you looking at? A hot boy? Oo I hope so!" She rambled on, getting oft in her own thoughts.

"No. It's just... Charl, remember last week when I began having those dreams?" I paused, waiting for her response. Charley nodded her head, raising her eyebrows as an indication to continue.

"Well, you know I said they were about a boy? Well in the airport earlier, I thought I saw something familiar- or should I say someone familiar. He had his back to me and I just knew I knew him from somewhere, and that boy sat over there?"

I pointed to a couple of rows in front of us, "that's him! That is the boy that was in the airport earlier and has been appearing in my dreams. Call me delusional but I know that's him!"

By the time I had finished, I felt a dampness rolling down my cheeks. I felt Charley's arm around my back.

"Where you crying Mais?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, her her long fingers wiping away my escaped tears.

Why was I crying?

"Because I want to know who he is! I want to know his name, I want to ask him if he knows me... If we have some kind of connection tying us together. Its not in my head any more Charl! He actually exists. This character my head supposedly created... Is real!... Charley you don't understand, it frustrates me so much and I just want to know who the hell he is!"

I lulled my head into my hands, resting my elbows on my lap and leaned forward. I knotted my fingers through my blonde locks, tugging slightly to release the frustration. I tubbed my face roughly, no doubt reddening my cheeks, but I don't care.

I felt Charley's hand leave my back from her gentle soothing. I heard the sharp unclip of a belt buckle and felt her stand up next to me, I looked up to her face, wondering where she was going.

Charley was scanning the surrounding seats, looking down the rows I front of us until her eye sight latched onto the boy.

"Is that him Mais? The blond one?"

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