Every Thought Of You 9

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Chapter 9

"You what?" Charley shouted rather too loudly, not realising her vocal strength when it came to shouting.

I had dragged Charley from Coles arms, and left him on his own in his plane seat, leaving him grumpy and whining and moaning for Charley's return, a small boyish pout played on his lips claiming and I quote: 'he was cold without her', cold my arse, he definitely fancied her.

"Will you shut up!" I exasperated, flinging my arms in the air. "You'll wake the whole damn plane up in a minute if you don't quieten down!" I huffed, slumping back into the seat and pulling Charley down with me into her own seat.

"So," Charley heaved, rubbing her temples roughly. "Start from the beginning... What happened?"

So I filled Charley in on my latest dream. First telling her about the room, and then the man next to me, and lastly about the baby he held in his arms, her soft muffles and cries still so vivid in my head.

I watched as Charley's expressions turned from confusion, to astonishment, to awe and back to confusion again.

Finally, once I had finished, I looked out of the small window, leaning my forehead against the cold plastic and looked down at the breathtaking view below is.

"Look Charl! Isn't it beautiful!" I exclaimed, leaning back so Charley could see through the window and gaze down onto the scenery below.

The tall mountains stretched on for forever, filling up the window with their breathtaking view. The clouds hung far below us, hovering over the mountains peaks.

"It really is lovely." She said, sitting back in her seat again. "I just can't wait to see the blue ocean, and the sun! How I've missed the sun!" She said with a little smirk playing on her dark lips.

"Haha, I know... Me too." I looked down to my fumbling hands as I resisted the urge to start biting my nails, a sign of my upset.

I felt a small lump form in the throat, and my lips begin to quiver slightly. I bit down hard on my bottom lip, taking in the dull taste of blood as it dripped into my mouth from biting so hard.

We were supposed to be going away with my parents. I couldn't escape the fact that now... We weren't.

"Hey." I heard Charley's gentle voice beside me and felt her warm hand on my back, smoothing over the fabric of my jumper in circles, trying to calm me.

"What's the matter lovely girl?" She asked, her voice so quiet and sweet, making sure no one else could hear.

I grabbed the end of my jumper harshly, bringing it up to my eyes and wiping a stray tear away roughly.

"It's just," I sniffled and rubbed the palms on my hands into my eyes.

"It suddenly hit me that mum and dad aren't here and will never be here again." I spoke quietly, looking down into my lap and fiddling with my thumbs.

Charley looked at me, her eyes watering slightly as she gave me a weak smile. "You know you're so strong Mais, you're truly amazing." She spoke calmly to me.

But I shook my head, grabbing onto the small locket around my neck between my forefinger and thumb, rubbing over the small pattern on the top. Tracing my finger over the silver leaf pattern over it's surface.

Running my finger over the small necklace brought back perfect memories of my 13th birthday.

I wasn't excited for my 13th birthday, not after I learnt Cole wouldn't make it home from university to spend the day with us. I hadn't seen him in almost 5 months, and although it isn't that long, it was a long time for us both to be apart.

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