Every Thought Of You 10

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Chapter 10

I sprinted over to Aunt Molly as soon as I'd seen her, dropping my suitcase as I pushed past the crowd of people in the arrivals area.

She began to hurriedly walk over to me, her eyes glistening with happiness as I ran into her welcoming, warm arms.

I placed my head in the crook of her warm neck, feeling her arms stretch around my back, soothing me with her motherly touch. I felt a drop of water leak down my neck as she shed a stray tear.

I pulled back to look up at her face. She looked so much like dad, she had his rosy cheeks and dark grey eyes that I have inherited. Her hair was cut short like mine, it's nearly white colour bleached by the bright Californian sunlight.

She stroked under my eyes, soothing my face and stopping my tears from leaking.

"I'm so happy you're here." She whispered, kissing my forehead lovingly. "Me too... Me too." I whispered into her as she brought me into her arms once again.

A moment later I felt a larger hand placed on my shoulder. I turned around to see Uncle Alex, he held a welcoming smile upon his tanned face, his eyes bright too. "Welcome to the US, kid!" He beamed joyfully, his American accent drawling out as he spoke. He was very tall and lean, his hair greying with age as he wore a baseball cap on backwards.

"Thank you Alex." I hugged him lightly as he placed a kiss upon the top of my head.

I pulled away after a moment as Cole and Charley approached us. Cole wrapped Molly in his bear arms murmuring thank you to them both. Charley hugged Uncle Alex and later Molly.

After our exchange Alex walked over to stand next to Aunt Molly, his hand placed on her back as she leaned into him lovingly as he pecked her cheek. I couldn't help but admire their adoration for each other.

"You kids ready for America then?" Molly asked, rubbing away the water from her grey eyes, later beaming in excitement.

We all walked out of the bustling airport, Alex led the way, followed by Cole and Charley, and later by Aunt Molly and I as I linked my arm through hers.

The sun shone brightly as we exited the airport, the early morning warm air engulfed me like a blanket, erasing the shivers and goosebumps from my arms.

"It's lovely here." I whispered to myself, not intending Molly to hear. "It truly is, wait until you see the coast, it's stunning." She smiled, keeping her gaze ahead, in thought over her home.

We all hauled into Alex's car, I sat in between Cole and Charley, leaning back in the seat as I let my eyes close gently in exhaustion.

It was strange being in a different continent, it astounded me how much had changed in a matter of a couple of weeks. I had lost the two people in life that mean the most to me, my role models and my carers. We were now on the other side of the world with two people that loved us like their own children, and... I had seen him in the flesh.

The car gently came to life, and before I knew it, we were driving down the long stretches of road, leading us to our temporary home. I let my body relax into the beige coloured leather seats and my head to lean back on the head rest, and within minutes, sleep consumed me.


I felt my heavy, aching body being lifted, a warm body pressed tightly onto my side as I felt the air whipping over my face and hair in a fast motion.

There was no noise, just feeling. No thoughts went through my head, it was only in the here... Only in the now.

I couldn't open my eyes for the life of me, like they had been stapled together, blocking out my sight. Only darkness consumed me.

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