You're Owl I Need 11

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Akaashi moved his whole life, leaving. He found an apartment and met his roommate a guy called Oikawa. They became fast friends both setters on a volleyball team.

Months past and Akaashi started thinking about Bokuto again. He stopped talking as much, always thinking about how Bokuto. He finally told Oikawa about this after Oikawa pestered him about it for days.

Oikawa listened intently to Akashi's story and finally sighed.

"You are whipped for that boy and you know what I say, go for it! If he truly loved you then he would accept you. Yes, he said those mean things, but he probably didn't mean too. You need stop running from your past and confront it, and you can start with him. Now go get your man!" Oikawa pushed him towards the door and Akaashi smiled.

"Thanks, Tooru," He said, smiling a bit.

"No problem." And slammed the door in his face.

Yes, Oikawa Tooru was a brat, but he was a brat with a way of twisting words.

Time Skip

When Akaashi arrived home from the train the first place he went too was Bokuto's work. He ran towards it but did not see his dork. Instead, he saw Kuroo and Kenma.

"Kenma!" He called out and Kenma looked at him in shock. He walked towards him and smirked saying, "I was wondering when you'd get back."

"You've been spending too much time with Kuroo."

"Yeah, but I'll replace him with you now."

Kuroo pouted and kissed Kenma on the cheek, "Kitten don't be like that."

Kenma pushed him away. "Go away, Akaashi's anxious to tell me something. Bye."

Kenma then grabbed Akaashi's wrist and walked away with Kuroo yelling, "Be back at 8 p.m. We still have that movie to watch!"

Kenma turned and smiled at him.

"Did I interrupt a date?" Akaashi asked worried Kenma might scold him.

"Yeah but that's okay. Now, why are you here?" Blunt as ever Kenma.

Akaashi sighed. "I'm here for Bokuto but I don't know what to say to him. He might hate me and I don't know what to do. After all, I said, he probably won't ever forgive me."

Kenma chuckled. "Bokuto's been sulking over your departure forever. He spent weeks trying to find you before he gave up. I don't think he hates you, so go for it."

"Thank you Kenma."

"Now go, I have to return to my childish boyfriend." Akaashi chuckled and went off to find Bokuto, praying he would forgive him.

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