°Chapter four°

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I had arrived on the track 30 minutes ago since Gray told me to meet him up here. I'm here, but this prick is 30 minutes late! I groaned, sitting on the hood of my car during nothing but going through my Twitter and Instagram accounts which got boring rather quickly all that's on there are thirsty fangirls. I've even had girls send me nude pictures of themselves along with video footage.

Lisanna being one of them. She's the worse of them all, especially since we've actually fucked on numerous occasions. Now, this girl is constantly spamming me with inappropriate texts, pictures, and video since I no longer have nothing to do with her. Evidently, the inappropriate spam got too much for me I had to block her, however that doesn't stop her from making various accounts.

"What a pain!" I sighed logging out of my social media accounts. I look through my phone at the pictures of Luce I secretly took or just normal pictures of us hanging out. There was one, in particular, I managed to sneak one day at her place.

I slowly traced her sexy frame on my phone screen

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I slowly traced her sexy frame on my phone screen. "She's so perfect." I sighed, leaning back with one arm underneath my head while holding my phone in my right hand, my eyes glued to the screen as I skimmed through the various types of images. My eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Before I knew all went dark.

"Flame brain?"
"Yo Flamebrain wake up!"
"I see that woke you up. Heh, too bad I had to sacrifice my w—-B-Bastard! H-how d-dare y-you p-pour that cold ass water on me!!" I growled angrily gripping his shirt.

"Hands off Pinky! This is a new shirt!" Gray protested yanking away. "And it wasn't that cold." he shrugged.

"BULLSHIT! You put your water bottles in the freezer so when it melts, the water is still freaking cold dude!" I seethed.

Gray shrugged simply brushing off the words that had came out of my mouth. "I have other things to you besides wasting my precious time arguing with you." He retorted straightening the collar of his shirt.

"You're the one who told me to meet you here and you're the one that was late to this meeting so don't even try to flip the script!" I expressed angrily.

"Would you just shut up and let me talk?" Gray rudely demanded.

"Why I outta..!!
Grrr! Fine, what do you need to say ice prick?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Keep talking to me like that and you can forget being my best man for the wedding. I'll just give it to someone else." Gray said silencing me. "W-w-wha?!" I asked completely baffled.

"You heard me flame for brains I'm popping the big question to Juvia in three days," Gray announced with a proud grin.

"Eh? Why in three days? Isn't that a bit soon?" I questioned. "Besides, weren't you going to pop the question this coming year?"

"Yes, the original plan was that I was going to pop the question on our 6 year anniversary, however, she told me something that made me want to make the wedding announcement earlier than originally planned," Gray stated sheepishly scratching his cheek.

"And what exactly was that?" I blinked.

"You and everyone else will find out in three days, which happens to be Juvia's birthday, so it's perfect!" Gray announced with glee.

Okay, then." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Dry much dude." Gray responded.

"What did you expect? You could have told me this over the phone why tell me in person if you're not going to go into full detail?" I asked with a bored tone.

"Oh, right there was something else" Gray admitted with a snap of his fingers.

"Really now and what is that something else?" I asked a bit skeptical. Gray ignores me and begins walking in the opposite direction. "Hey! I asked you a question Ice Prick! Gray begins to whistle casually as he kept on walking and ignoring me which was extremely pissing me off.

"Hey! Quit ignoring me!" I growled in annoyance following after him, but he still kept on ignoring me. That did it. I was enraged and he was going to feel my wrath. I started running instead of walking and managed to get in front of him. I pushed him down in front of some red curtains that were hanging low. As he fell, he grabs a hanging rope, causing the curtain to open, revealing something that made my eyes go wide and my jaw drop.

<Author's closing notes>Haha, how long has it been since I updated this story?!Sorry, it's short with 900 plus words, but remember the story just barely began so, of course, I'm not going to start off with huge chapters unless my imagination blows...

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<Author's closing notes>
Haha, how long has it been since I updated this story?!
Sorry, it's short with 900 plus words, but remember the story just barely began so, of course, I'm not going to start off with huge chapters unless my imagination blows up however this seemed like a great place to leave you with a cliffhanger!
Man, I'm evil!

So looks like there's going to be a Gruvia wedding in one of the upcoming chapters hehe!

What do you think is the other thing that he's not telling Natsu just yet?

Also, what do you think was behind the curtain that made Natsu stunned?

Leave your comments in the comment section below!

Thank you so much for being so patient with my slow updates on my stories

Well, that's all I got for you guys until the next story update!

Lucy out

Clueless [Sequel to My Busty Nurse]Where stories live. Discover now