ଂ Chapter seven ଂ

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More Silence
Intense Silence
No verbal communication whatsoever between Luce and I for ages, all we did was stand there through rain, sleet, and snow. The seasons whipped on past us like a calendar animated in a cartoon! We're freaking old, wrinkled and gray with liver spots! AHH!

Well, okay, that may have been a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but damn that's how long it feels like since my little 'cutesy face' comment slip-up. I feel so idiotic for saying that out loud, it was supposed to stay in my head, but like the clueless idiot that I am, I blurted it out. The only verbal sounds that could be heard were coming from the area surrounding us. A flock of birds flew high above us, but you could still hear their loud chirping. The cars that were zooming past on the street and the whistling of the wind. Inside my head, I was having a meltdown.

"Smooth real fucking smooth Natsu! You called her cute and now she's thinking things, you idiot!
GAAAAH! This silence is killing me!! What do I do?! What can I do?!"
Suddenly, a light bulb went off inside my head.  "I know just want to do!" 
I had concocted a plan, now to put operation distraction to work.

"Um, Luce? Is there a problem?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow at the blonde who was looking at me with bug-out eyes and parted lips. "Oh God, what I wouldn't give to taste those lips again! No, no stay focused!"

"Natsu, you just—" She trailed off blinking those cocoa brown irises at me, confusion definitely was in her visage.

"C' mon now! Spit it out, Lucy!" I folded my broad arms acting annoyed.

"Well, you don't have to bite my head off jerk!" Lucy scoffed giving her eyes a roll.

"Damn she's feisty!"

"Look, I'm not trying to be a jerk to you, it's just I'm hungry and my plan was to take you out on a lunch date so if y—!!"

I noticed her brown pupils expand at what I'm presuming the word 'date'

"D-did you just say date?" She asked in an audible whisper.

"Fuck! I said the wrong thing again! At this rate, I'll probably even blurt out my feelings! How stupid am I—Wait, a minute I know how to get out of this mess!" My inner voice grinned as another light bulb went off.

"Why do you look so surprised? Besties can go on dates, I heard some girls talking about a girl's lunch date or somewhere along those choice of words." I explained, mentally giving myself a high five for remembering that girly boring commercial that might have just saved my ass.

"Oh, right, I forgot about that." Her voice cracked briefly sounding like she was choking back tears or something.

"Luce? Are you alright?" I asked with worrisome questions racking my brain to her sudden change of emotion.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine Natsu. Just famished and ready to eat something." She chuckled, raising her head up, giving me a closed mouth smile, but it all came off as fake and strained to me.

"Are you su— Of course I'm sure now let's hurry before my lunch break is over!" Before, I could manage to say anything else my blonde-haired crush was running towards my vehicle.

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