ଂ Chapter six ଂ

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"Oh, Lucy going on break?" Janet asked curiously, turning her attention away from me giving me a breather to recompose myself. "Fuck! She's still here?! If she discovers who I am, I can kiss my future plans with Luce goodbye!" I had to change my phone number because of this girl she was a Lisanna duplicate. 

"Yes, I am! I'll be back in an h—Huh?" Lucy's dialogue subsided when she caught my eye. Her brown eyes widened as I whispered softly the nickname I bestowed upon her.

"Hey, Luce." I greeted her with a closed mouth smile. My usual grin would have been a definite giveaway. "Na—Mmf?!" I quickly rushed over and covered her mouth with my palm silencing her from saying my name out in the open.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing to her?!" I heard Janet inquire, her questions kept on coming as I picked Lucy up over my shoulder and began walking away with her. "Hey, you! Come back here! I'll call the cops!" She threatened. "Mmffmhmf!" Lucy exclaimed with my palm still pressed against her mouth. Looking into her eyes that were a sign saying to trust her. I nod in response and turned her around to where her face was facing Janet. I remove my hand from her mouth allowing her to speak.

"No worries Janet, this here is just a friend of mine Na— Nate. Yeah, this is Nate!"

"Great save Luce." I inwardly praised her for her quick thinking in such an awkward situation.

"You sure about this Lucy? If this dude is threatening you, give me a nonverbal sign and I'll call the police." Janet whispered, trying to be secretive, but thanks to being born with awesome hearing not to mention I was still holding Lucy so of course, I heard it. "I can assure you that Nate isn't a pervert or a kidnapper he's my best friend," Lucy exclaimed trying to sway the female's suspicions of me.

"I'm still not buying it." Janet folded her arms over her bust staring at me intensely which was making me feel uncomfortable. "Hmm, you know you look awfully familiar now that I'm getting a good look at you. Have we met before?" She asked with her face so close to mine that I could literally see the pink bubble gum she was chewing in her mouth.

"N-Nope! M-must have m-me mistaken for someone else!" I responded in shutters might I add. "Man, I'm a fucking idiot."

"You're stuttering now I'm definitely not con—Janet report to Room 213B, please. Janet, please report to Room 213B, please. Thank you!" A voice over the intercom said, causing the female to finally back off me. "You're lucky, I have to go." Janet turns her back towards Luce and me and started walking away. "Phew, I've been saved"

"Oh, Lucy, if you're not back within the hour, I'm calling the cops and Nate if you're single I'd love to go out with you sometime.~" Janet gave me a seductive wink and purposely started swaying her hips as she walked away. "Yep, she definitely hasn't changed." I grimaced, but what caught my attention is a slight grumble from Lucy. "Tch, She sure has some nerve." Call me crazy, but it seemed like Luce was jealous and if I'm right then in two months my plan should go by smoothly.

"Natsu, can you put me down now?" Lucy asked annoyance was evident in her voice which made me smirk. "Oh yeah, she's definitely jealous. This may just work in my favor!" I gently grabbed her from underneath her arms and lowered her down to the floor.

"Thanks. Now, explain what you're doing here?" Lucy asked me while fixing her outfit. Damn did she look good in that casual outfit of hers, on her feet were those boots that went up to her knees. Back to her choice of clothing today, she was pulling off the suspenders overalls look very well. {Media Pic} Yeah, its old school and a bit childish, but to me, Luce could pull off wearing a paper bag. She's just that perfect in my eyes. This woman is one of a kind to me, one of the many reasons why I fell head over heels in love with her. The ideal woman that I never knew I wanted considering my past reputation.

"Hello?! Natsu, Earth to Natsu!" She snaps me out of my trance. Literally "Huh, yeah? What's up?" I blinked my eyes confused why she was looking extremely annoyed with me, I also noticed we were now outside. "When did that happen?" Just how long exactly was I dead in my thoughts about Luce to not notice somewhere between the time I set her on the floor near the entry of the hospital to now actually being outside?! "I asked you what are you doing here?" She asked again, folding her arms over her breast. A visible pout was on her face, making her cheeks poke out like an adorable chipmunk. "So cute!"


"Yow! Sheesh, are you trying to bust my eardrums?!"

"No, but I sure in hell will if you don't stop spacing out on me!" She huffed now moving her hands to those curvaceous hips of hers.

"Be still my beating heart, even in such an annoyed mood, she looks utterly adorable!" 

"Look, what's wrong with me wanting to surprise my best friend at work?" I nonchalantly asked, shrugging my broad shoulders.

"You could have told me you know!"

"If I had TOLD YOU then it wouldn't have been a SURPRISE," I noted emphasizing the three important factors. If Luce didn't look cute enough all pouty with those chubby puffed out cheeks of hers she exponentially did now with that embarrassed look on her face to boot. "Cuteness overload!" 

"Sh-shut up! It's not my fault you're a celebrity and it's dangerous for you to be out in the open because you'll draw attention! Isn't that what you told me yourself?" Lucy exclaimed going back and forth with this meaningless argument.

"I get it, I get it I'm the awesome one who decided he wanted to be a celebrity. Also, I did tell you that, which is why I'm wearing a disguise if you use that sight of yours." I chuckled amused at how more her cheeks were swelling up. "Gaaaaah! I just wanna squish and pinch them! She's so fucking cute!"

I cleared my throat, trying to stay focused as I resumed speaking. "You know how much of a stubborn ass I can be, so you should also know I can go all day with this and I'll evidently win Miss cutesy face!~" She opens her mouth to retort, but her words don't seem to come out but her blush sure did, red as the eye can see. "Uhh... Erm... I mean.." I stuttered out as I mentally slapped myself realizing what I just said out loud. "I better think of something fast, but what?"

Lucy and I just continued to stare at each other, well this just got awkward.

>>Author's closing notes<<
Yes, a cliffhanger! Haven't done one in a while, so I couldn't resist! Yes, it's short but I have a reason for that. Since this is still a fairly new book the words will be 800 plus words. Now, for my older books that I'm trying to get done with will have 1000 plus words. So I don't want to hear that was short because I just gave you the reason why.

Now how do you think Natsu will get out of the situation he just put himself through?

Will he just confess?
Or play it off?

Will Janet figure out who Nate really is?

Leave your comments, thoughts, and votes in the comment selection beeeelow!

Until the next story update!

Lucy out!

Published: 8/1/19
Words Typed: 1,317

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