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Hoseok sat in his car wondering how this was going to look like. The parking lot at the Seoul Natural History Museum was almost empty. Since leaving Suzy in Rosé's hands on Saturday night, his thoughts had been consumed by her. The desire to see her again had gripped Hoseok so strongly that he'd woken up at seven and even rescheduled their dance practice.

The longer he sat in the car trying to find the courage to go inside, he wondered if Suzy would see through him. The one thing that actually kept him from driving away was the small hope that Suzy was as attracted to him as he was to her.

He got out of his car and headed towards the building. He headed for the huge reception desk, knowing that he could do this. Leaning on the wooden desk, he cleared his throat that caught the receptionist's attention.

"Hi, I'm Wendy, how may I help you?"

"I was wondering if Bae Suzy is working today, and if it would be possible to speak with her." Hoseok replied calmly.

"I'm afraid Suzy's out on school visits this week. She was here earlier to collect some stuff before she left." Hoseok felt pathetic and earned himself a sympathetic look from Wendy. "What's your name? I'll let Suzy know."

"Um, Hoseok...I was just..."

Wendy waved a dismissive hand in his direction, "It's not everyday our Suzy gets a fine looking man like yourself turn up out of the blue asking for her."

Hoseok felt slight embarrassment at Wendy's words. He also found himself in a bizarre mix of surprise and relief hearing that Suzy didn't attract much attention.

"Thanks for the trouble, Wendy." Hoseok nodded his head. "Anytime. Take care." She called after him as he walked away.

Hoseok would've considered leaving his number at the reception for Suzy, but the fear of never hearing from her had stopped him. Kicking the engine into life, he pulled away, wondering just what the hell he was supposed to do now.

Four hours later, Rosé couldn't stop grinning as she listened to Suzy tell her about the visitor she'd apparently missed that morning. "So he just dropped by?" She asked.

"According to Wendy, he said he was just stopping by to see how I was. But he didn't leave a number or any message." Suzy said in confusion. "This is exactly why I regret not being more in touch with the workings of the male mind, because I really have no idea what to make of this. I am officially useless!" She admitted with a little frustration.

"Guys are a strange breed, Suzy. You could have all the experience in the world when it comes to them, but it'll never fully prepare you for what actually goes on inside their heads."

"I was secretly hoping that you'd actually be able to help me out here!" Suzy groaned. Rosé laughed lightly, "So you want my take on the situation?"


"Okay. I'd say our boy Hoseok likes you since he went to the museum hoping that you'd be there. He's obviously trying to play it cool though, not wanting to seem to eager. That's why he didn't leave a number or a message." Rosé winked at her friend who just sighed again.

"I literally have no experience when it comes to dating." Suzy huffed.

"Chin up, babe. Oh, and I did a little googling today since Hoseok's face seemed kinda familiar. Guess who also goes by the name J-Hope." Rosé smirked as she spoke.

Suzy just stared at her friend. This put a whole new spin on the situation, raising the question why someone like him would even be interested in someone like her.

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