T W E N T Y - O N E

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Rosé pondered over the array of nail polishes in an attempt to find the perfect one ready for Tuesday evening. She glanced over at Suzy as they sat side by side in the spa, indulging in a much needed mani  pedi. However, Suzy had been somewhat muted throughout what was supposed to be their day together.

"How about this one?" Rosé asked, holding up a silver polish for her to give an opinion on.

"Yeah, looks fine to me," Suzy replied, not even looking at Rosé.


The rise in Rosé's tone caused Suzy to turn her head swiftly in her friend's direction.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, definitely that one," she answered more honestly, inspecting the bottle more carefully.

"So, are you going to tell me what's been eating away at you all day, or are we going to have to participate in a game of twenty questions?" Rosé coaxed.

Suzy gave a weak smile, knowing that she couldn't put it off any longer.

"Lily called last night."

Rosé listened intently as Suzy went over the finer details of the conversation that had taken place with her sister, sensing Suzy's concern that she was setting herself up for a fall, in spite of Lily's reassurances to the contrary. From all that Rosé knew of Suzy's past, Lily had never treated Suzy like an outcast the way Ellie had, but she could understand her sceptiscism.

"And she didn't go into much detail?" Rosé questioned.

"No, all she said was that it was something to do with dad and she thought it might be of use to me. Her flight arrives around noon tomorrow, she got herself booked on some ridiculously early flight. And apparently she wants to stay with me rather than at a hotel, which is odd in itself," Suzy murmured.

"Maybe you should give her the benefit of the doubt."

A hint of a smile graced Suzy's lips.

"Funnily enough, that's what Hoseok said."

"Speaking of which, how did Lily get his number?" Rosé asked.

"Mom. Lily called her first, after apparently speaking to Grandma."

"Would you rather that I stayed with Jimin whilst she's here, give the two of you some room?"

Suzy shook her head.

"It's  your home too Rosé, you shouldn't have to do that. Unless of course Mr. Park would prefer you stay there," Suzy stated with a wink. Rosé flashed a grin.

"Oh I think he'll be okay with that!"


The following morning, the sound of water running somewhere in the distance caused Hoseok to stir slightly. Brows furrowed as he attempted to  continue with sleeping, he rolled onto his side, reaching for Suzy, wanting to feel her close to him. The realization that he was in fact alone was enough to rouse him completely from his slumber.

Sitting up, the sheet settling around his hips, Hoseok ran a hand through his messy black hair, yawning deeply. Realising that the noise that had originally  disturbed him was coming from the adjoining bathroom, he glanced at the  clock, sighing at how early it was.

Pushing the sheet to one side, Hoseok climbed out of bed and wandered through into the bathroom,  smiling sadly at the distorted image of Suzy behind the shower screen. He was very aware that the imminent arrival of her sister had been playing on Suzy's mind all night. Her sleep had been fretful, and it worried Hoseok that the mere thought of one person arriving could have such an affect on Suzy.

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