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Checking her make up one final time, Rosé let out a sigh as she pondered the evening ahead of her. She had been persuaded by Suzy to join her and Hoseok for dinner. Any other time this would have been something Rosé looked forward to.

However, she couldn't help but feel that tonight would be memorable for all the wrong reasons. When Suzy had tentatively mentioned that Jimin would also be joining them, Rosé's heart had sunk. She really wasn't sure if she was going to be able to spend another second in that man's company. However, in the name of trying to show willing, Rosé had managed to refrain from backing out.

Let's face facts here, Rosé. It was actually the lure of those warm eyes and unbelievabley cute smile that ensured you were going to go.

Rosé frowned at the voice of her conscience, not appreciating the fact that it was telling the truth. In spite of Jimin's incredibly annoying nature at times, Rosé found herself hopelessly attracted to him. Whilst she completely understood why Suzy was so attracted to Hoseok, there was something about Jimin, combined with the way he carried himself and exuded a confidence she had never witnessed in a man before that drew her to him.

All of that mixed with the way his eyes lit up with the warmth of his smile, Rosé was finding it a lethal combination. It was just a shame he insisted on behaving like a complete ass each time they saw one another.

"Rosé, I was wondering - wow!"

Suzy stood in the doorway of Rosé's room, a small smirk on her lips.

"You know, for someone who looked horrified at the thought of spending time with Jimin again tonight, we have certainly made an effort," Suzy stated, her tone one of amusement.

Rosé glanced at her reflection and felt her cheeks flush a little. She wasn't someone who'd wear a dress to dinner, unless it was a special occasion.

"I, well, it's not because - UGH!"

"Rosé, you like him, that's nothing to be ashamed of. He's a really lovely guy, when he's not blustering his way through the day," Suzy told her softly.

"Yeah I know," Rosé murmured in reply. "Anyway, what were you saying a minute ago?"

Suzy looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Oh! Yes, I remember. When Hoseok called earlier, we got to talking about stuff, and I wondered if it was okay with you if he stayed over tonight."

Rosé's eyes widened at Suzy's words.

"Oh my! I hadn't realised you guys were thinking about-"

"Oh lord no!" Suzy cried, "that's not why I want him to stay! We were just talking and both said it would be nice if we didn't have to say goodbye at the end of the night."

"You two really are too sweet and cute for your own good, do you know that?" Rosé giggled. "I really don't have a problem with him staying. But do you really think you're going to be able to stay in the same bed as someone like Hoseok and not even be a little tempted?"

"I'll be fine, really," Suzy replied, sounding as though she was trying to convince herself of the fact. "I can do this, really I can," she added, wandering back to her own room. Rosé couldn't help but laugh at her friend's dilema.

"I'll have my earplugs ready, just incase! Just give me enough warning to get the things in first though!"


"So, we're clear on this right?" Hoseok asked, putting his car into park outside the restaurant. Jimin nodded, staring out of the windshield, his fingers nervously tapping out a rhythm on his knee.

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