If Only

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---Nightmare's POV----

We stayed like that for ages, with me muttering countless apologies to Cross. I didn't even know what I was apologising about.

I was having a breakdown.

I've never loved anyone before, and no ones ever loved me except my brother. But he's gone now.

For the first time ever in my miserable excuse of a life I've found someone I can truly say I love, and now the one person in the world that would actually love me back is going to be ripped from me. Ripped from me by my own best friends.

Cross tried to calm me down, promising that all would be fine and we'd both be okay, but I could see that he was crying, and his whole aura radiated fear.

But along with that fear, the one emotion that was making me so upset.


If only we'd shot Cross back at the beginning when we'd found him. If only I'd killed him when I'd discovered his bite mark. If only I'd stayed cold, pushed him away and denyed him. If only he hadn't been so nice to me. If only he'd treated me like he should have, like everyone else does. As a monster.


I jolted, looking down at Cross.

The look of genuine concern on his face was so pure that I could have sworn I felt my soul crack. To think he'll most likely be dead in a few hours was enough to get my soul splintering in utter heartbreak.

"Y-You're scaring me..." He stuttered.

I immediately snapped out of my trance, suddenly pulling him tightly to my chest. "I-I'm sorry...I-I should have protected you...I-I–"

Cross silenced me with a kiss, cupping my cheeks in his small, frail hands. He smiled weakly. "It's okay Nightmare. It's going to be okay...lets just go back to sleep, a-and we can figure this out in the morning..."

He laid down, pulling me down with him before snuggling up to my chest.

I rested my hand on his skull, petting him softly as I listened to his quiet purrs of happiness.

Why couldn't it just stay like this?
Cross and I, cuddled up in bed without a care in the world. Why can't we ever be happy? Why must the world always take our loved ones away?

Cross fell asleep pretty fast, snoring quietly.

Me however? I didn't sleep at all.

I was terrified one of the guys would come in and rip him from me in my sleep. Or Cross would turn and I wouldn't be able to help. Or that he'd die suddenly in my arms.

I found myself constantly checking that he was breathing, that he was comfy, that he was warm.

Every time he snuggled closer to my my soul would swell, only to shrivel once more as I remembered what we'd have to go through tomorrow morning.

The guys are going to throw every valuable point possible at me, not stopping until we've reached an agreement.

But at the back of my mind, a thought stuck there. One I knew I'd have to tell them.

If Cross dies. I die.


After around three hours, the others came for us.

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