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I woke up to the vibrating of a phone, the brightness strains my eyes as I answer the call
"Betty, can you meet me at the bar," his voice sound strained as if he was on the verge of tears
"Yes now please hurry,"
I threw on my black laced up crop top and paired it with Jean shorts with embroiderd flowers and holes where the pockets once were,
I slip my feet into some black thigh high boots and do some light makeup, putting half my hair in a top knot, I put on my serpent jacket.

I head out my apartment door, picking my phone up on the way, I lock the door and head towards my bike, I speed off towards the wyrm,

I finally reach the destination, I saw bikes that I didn't recognise, Cautiously I went in through the back, picking up my gun from where I left it last night. Sliding the gun in my pocket I walked closer towards the main area,

I open the door and see the serpents, MY serpents tied to chairs, I see my friends and right in the centre I see FP and Jughead, knocked out on the floor and tied together, I walk in

"What the fuck is going on in here?" I say when I feel a presence behind me, I turn to see Malachi "Oh it's just you," I say sarcastically
"Hey Princess," He says with a devilish smirk
"Malachi, why are my serpents tied up?"
"Because Princess, if I didn't you wouldn't come," He stepped closer
"What do you want, Malachi?" I said crossing my arms, He stepped forward so we were face to face
"You," He whispered into my ear I laughed a bit "What is funny about this!" He said slightly raising his voice
"Malachi, you don't come in MY bar and threaten MY serpents, and then demand ME back," I turned to see FP and Jughead were awake "I broke up with you cause you are a no good piece of trash, Who couldn't please me in any aspects, so you are gonna leave now and not bother me again, cause you aren't worth my time,"
"Keep talking princess I'm not leaving here till your mine again," I reached my hand in my pocket and gripped my gun tightly, I pulled it out hitting his head with great might, He fell to the ground,

I rushed towards FP and Jughead, untieing them and we all helped the rest of the serpents.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked FP and Jughead
"I'm good but my head hurts a bit," Jughead said, FP agreed as I pulled them both into a hug.
"Guys lock him up," I said to the older guys,
"What happened?" I said
"We were minding our own business when the lights went off, a few moments later I blacked out and woke up here, Malachi told me to call you and then when the call ended he must have knocked me out again," Jughead replied, I embraced him in a hug, as angry as I was yesterday I couldn't allow him to feel alone,

Time passed and everyone recovered from being knocked out "Toni are you SURE you're Ok?" I asked her for the 5th time
"Betty, im fine," she said in a 'duh' tone.
"Ok," I told her taking a swig of the beer in front of me,

"Betty," I turned to see Jughead,
"Yea," I replied
"Can we talk?" I nodded, He followed me outside
"What is it?" I asked
"I'm sorry, for what I said about you, I had no right, i was jealous and stuff but you are an incredible, beautiful person and I want us to be friends," I felt blush creeping up to my cheeks, Why though? I don't like Jughead, Do I? I nodded my head
"Sure just don't try anything," I said with a giggle, I pulled him into a hug and pulled away, He started to lean in, Is he gonna kiss ME? Before I could find out the sound of a roaring engine caught my attention,

I turned my head to see someone I hadn't seen since I left the Northside, the Raven Princess herself Veronica Lodge

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