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I woke up to a bright sunlight, I walked out the door into my kitchen in my bra and booty shorts, pouring coffee into a cup
"Nice Butt Coop!" I swung my body around to see the boys, Kevin, Reggie, Sweetpea, Fangs, Joaquin, FP, Archie and Jug, sitting with Cheryl, Toni and Veronica

"Sorry guys, forgot you were here," I said with blush surelycovering my body from head to toe
"I mean I'm used to it, I practically live here," Toni says and Cheryl, Sweets and Fangs agree
"I mean I grew up seeing it," everyone's head whipped towards Archie "What our windows FACED each others bedrooms

"Oh yea I remember on the last day of summer and we were about to go into another year of torturous high school and I came round your house, and I said "Oh My God Archie Got Hot," then we stared at his and for like 10 minutes then you went to meet him,"
"As my GBF you are meant to KEEP SECRETS," I turned to look at Archie who's face was bright red
"And JUST TO CLARIFY that was when I had a major crush on Archie, That crush is long gone, it was gone the day he rejected me, OK?" they all nodded their heads "Good, Anyway I'm gonna get dressed so I don't feel weird, Toodles."
Sweetpea laughed "Big Gang leader saying Toodles that's a first," I picked up the knife behind me His smile dropped
"Yes, I'm still a big gang leader Sweetpea," I threw the knife so it landed on my coffee table that was in the centre of my room "So don't push me,"
I walked back into my bedroom cursing at myself under my breathe

" Sweetpea laughed "Big Gang leader saying Toodles that's a first," I picked up the knife behind me His smile dropped"Yes, I'm still a big gang leader Sweetpea," I threw the knife so it landed on my coffee table that was in the centre of my room "...

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I wasn't in the mood for much today so I put on a cropped hoodie, jeans and converse, I had no makeup and hair down, I left my serpent jacket on the floor and walked out.

"Now why are you guys all still here?" I said sitting next to FP and Jughead
"OK first off, that is the least skin I have seen on you since you were Northside Betty and second This is the first time since Northside Betty I have seen you without makeup, Even on our sleepovers,"
"Thanks for making that point Cheryl now can you please tell me?"
"Well we were catching up," Cheryl said
"Right, well I'm hungry anyone up for pancakes?" I said clapping my hands
Everyone Nodded, I pushed myself up of the sofa when my doorbell rang, I walked over and opened the door to be pushed out of the way, I turned around to see 3 men.

"Malachi?!" I shouted, He turned his head
"Sit," He showed a pocket knife, I slammed the door before joining my friends at the sofa, I saw Reggie go to argue, "Reggie," I shook my head and he sighed before sitting back.

"Malachi, what do you and your goons want?"
"Well you kidnapped me,"
"So? You hurt MY serpents,"
"And also I want you back,"
"Wait, Back? You dated this Scumbag?" Reggie questioned
"Yea B, I knew you had bad taste in Men but SERIOUSLY?" Veronica said
"Ok yea I know, i was stupid," I turned back to Malachi "And You can go fuck yourself cause I'm not yours anymore, now get your was out of my house before I murder your ass!"
"Princess, you can't do that, there's rules,"
"FUCK the rules, quit messing with us."
He lunged forward grabbing my hair pulling me off the sofa, his 2 goons holding the others down
"You, Me, 10 minutes, your bedroom, or you die," He whispered in my ear
"In your dreams," I said scoffing
"Ok, They die,"
"Fine don't you fucking dare touch them,"
"Oh I won't," He let me go and then left my apartment, but I knew he would come back,

"FUCK!" I shouted  running my hands through my hair, I felt like I could scream, i fell to the floor in a fit of tears, Jughead rushed over putting his arms around me helping me up, "I thought he would be done, and now he is gonna get what he wants, FUCK SAKE!" I sobbed

"Woah What do you mean?" Cheryl asked
"It means I have sex with him he doesn't kill you guys!" I shouted
"No, He isn't getting that!" Cheryl retorted
"Do you wanna die?" I shouted back, I pushed Jug away and slammed my fist onto my counter "I don't want to be responsible for your deaths, You guys are my Best Friends, I mean most of you are but, I can't lose you guys,"

"I have an idea," Veronica said "When Dick st Clair came and tried to rape you, He came back and took Archie,"
"Wait you nearly got raped," Jug asked to which I nodded my head
"Yea I remember, Veronica what does that have to do with anything?"
"He said the only way to get Archie back was $2 million or to go on a 'steamy date' with him,"
"Ew," Cheryl said
"Anyway I agreed to the date but used a pill in his drink to knock him out so we could do that, but cause Malachi is smarter, what you could do is place the tablet in your mouth and take a quick drink spitting the tablet inside,"
"Are you sure I won't get knocked out?"
"Very, you see you have to swallow the full tablet,"
"Sure do you have any?
"Yea I used one last night on Sweetpea to get him to shut up,"
"Hey!" Sweetpea shouted
"Ooh I might need to try that," I replied and everyone agreed to which Sweetpea shot glares,

After 10 minutes another knock came on my door, everyone rushed into he guest bedroom while I opened it,
"Malachi, you remember where the bedroom is right?" He nodded "I'm gonna get us drinks," He walked in and pounced into my bedroom, I ran into the kitchen calling Ronnie so she could hear what was happening along with pouring a glass of champagne and placing a tablet in my mouth.

I walked in the room leaning my arm on the door, I took a swig spitting the tablet in the drink passing Malachi the drink who drunk it willingly.
I placed my phone on the bedside and straddled him.
"So Malachi, what have you been up to since I dumped your sorry ass?"
"Now, Now Princess calm yourself,"
"Answer me Malachi,"
"I would rather do this."
He said leaning in and connecting our lips, I scowled into the kiss and after 20 minutes of heavy unpleasing makeout and slowly undressing he passed out, shirt on the floor and belt unbuckled,

"He's asleep," I said to the phone before hanging up, I leant down grabbing my hoodie when my door opened "Come on guys gimme a sec to get dressed,"
"Wow, what actually happened?" Veronica asked
"If you think we had sex you would be wrongly mistaken however you would hear the same thing, maybe fake moans but apart from that, nada," I say pulling my cropped hoodie over my head fixing my hair and pulling up my jeans,

"Ok, that maybe a lil bit too much info but,"
She replied
"Just a warning, plus his dick is like an inch long, so yea avoid him, especially when your drunk, god help me,"
"Not taken now can we stop talking about how bad this guy is in bed and like drive him our of here,"
"We will take him to Greendale, I know a place," FP said
"I'm gonna stay with the girls," Jug replied
"Me too," Archie said
"We don't need babysitters but I could use a distraction from the fact my ex nearly slept with me,"
"Me too I mean, the thought of that would have been horrible," Veronica said
"Amen," Cheryl and Toni replied
"That should knock him out for at least 4 hours so, hurry,"
The boys walked in picking him up and walking him out the door
"Thank God he is gone," the girls walked into the living room followed by Archie, I turned around picking up my phone,

I felt a breathe on the back of my neck I turned around to see Jug "I'm sorry," He said
"For what?" I said with a slight giggle "For not doing this sooner," before I had time to relax, He placed his hand on my cheek, pulling me in connecting our lips

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