The cravings

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Catline's POV

My throat was dry and my teeth hurt.
"Dad? D-daddy???" I croaked out.
I opened my eyes and found a certain teachers face next to me.
"Papa??? I wanna go home. Papa where are you??" I croaked again only this time I coughed blood with it.

"Shhhh they'll be back in a bit. You should rest some more kid." Gabe said with a worried look on his face.

"Water." My voice softly said. "I need water please."

Gabe got up quickly and took off to his kitchen bringing back six water bottles. "I don't know how much you need kid but here." He hands me the water and I take it chugging the water down only to have the feeling of acid in my throat. I quickly ran to the kitchen, saw a trash can, shoved my head in it, and puked.
"Oh FUCK!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!" Gade went in circles, grabbing his hair, and screaming in another language.
"You need me more than ever. Here!" Gabe ripped his shirt off and kneeled right infront of me.
"Take me before they get back! Hurry bite into my chest and drink!"
Cringing I scooted back.

"One ew gross, two ew gross and three you smell like wet dog so ew gross. I get you're a gym teacher but god do you ever shower." I cover my nose from that disgusting smell.

"Fine you won't drink I'll force you." Before I could say anything Gabe grabbed a knife and slit his chest. The red liquid slowly trailed down and all I could do was want to lick it off of him.
"Come on stop fitting and start drinking! I will not lose you again Catherine!!!" I couldn't stop my body from jolting towards him and licking all the blood off of his chest.
Soft groans came from him whenever my tongue would pass over his nipple. His hand tangled in my hair and softly pulled at it making me moan at his actions.
"Oh Catherine I've missed you." He said in a breathy but yet husky like voice.
I jolted away from him and fell on the floor

Everything came, the memories, the pains, the lust. I was his first bride. Vald the man who loved me. As for myself I loved two men. Gabriel and Vald. (If you haven't read my first book go now this is the second book so some of you won't get it ;-;)

"Catherine!!! Hey can you hear me?!?!? Catherine!?!?!?!"

"Shhhhh there there, I'm quite alright Gabriel. Did my grand-daughter have a good life? How did I come back? How are we still here? Vlad and I died. You should be dead!" I gently get to my feet and softly walk away from Gabriel.


I turn around my Scarlett hair bounced softly. Gabriel quickly ran towards me and kissed me passionately. Slowly I began to kiss him back with just as much passion.

"Don't leave me again. Please she wasn't you. She may have looked like you but it wasn't you." He began to sob on my shoulder.

"Gabriel, tis now or never. Will you bed me? You and you alone I pray. Although my feelings have not changed for the two of you, I wish for you to bed me first."

"You don't have to tell me twice sweetheart." Gabriel grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.

(Bow chica wah wah chica wah wah ⚠ ⚠ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

Kissing my lips with such lust could only make my blossom become moist. Gabriels tongue forcefully went into my mouth exploring every inch of it, claiming it as his own. Vlad would not be happy with this. But I have waited years to do this, not being allowed to in my past life and now having a chance to do this...
Gabriel pulled away gasping for air.
"Tis tho alright?" I asked Gabriel who could only respond with wrapping me in his embrace and attaching his lips onto my neck.
His hand slowly shaped my figure as for his hips rubbed against my own.
"Who's my good girl?" He whispered into my ear, his hot breath tickled my ear, and his teeth dug into my neck, forcing a loud high pitched moan out of my lips.
I could feel him slowly smirk, as for his tongue slid from my neck to my collarbone in seconds. I could not control my breathing at this point, pleasure had already devoured me and he wasn't even close to being through.
His left hand sank to my bottom and his right snaked up to my breast. He slowly began to rub himself against me, pulling my hips towards him every time to create my friction.
I would not control the lust, the want, and the need for Gabriel. My eyes rolled slightly at each rub he did.
He kisses towards my ear squeezing my breast.

"I need you now." Gabriels voice was of nothing but pure lust. He backed up, pulled his shirt off, and yanked his bottoms off causing his hard on to spring up against stomach.
Talking in the sight of this fully nude man made me worse than before.

I launched myself at him kissing his lips with more lust than he had started us with. He chuckled, I couldn't feel him take my shorts and panties off (don't even remember if she had any)  at last he picked me up. My blossom was so close to him I could feel it twitching.

"This will hurt Catherine." He slowly inserted his hard into my blossom, pain shot though me making me scream. At this point Gabriel could not control himself, he wanted more screams.
He thrusted into me without waiting!
I screamed in pain and cried but all of that went away. I was having pleasure.
Gabriel began to forcefully bounce me on his hard and every time I could only scream in pleasure and roll my eyes back.
My breath was all over the place and i couldn't hold back anymore. My stomach felt so strange.
"G-Gabriel stop I... I have to pee I think I'm not sure." I stated and he only sped up causing me to realise whatever it was that was inside me.

"Such a good girl."

He pulled himself out of me and gently put me on the couch.
"Best get dressed before your people come back."

(Hey lovies sorry for the late update today. I had stuff to study for ;-;)

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