Gym teacher

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Catlines POV

I was walking out of first period feeling like it was the first day of school again. Vampire creep had us introduce ourselves.

"Have you seen the new gym guy?"
"Yeah I think he's pretty hot and that ass of his!"
The girls started giggling and I walked quickly to my second period... Sadly it was gym. My least favorite class. They never let me read.

I sigh as I enter into the gym.
Yelling, whistles being blown, and annoying people gather to the center of the gym.

"Alright now! My name is Gabriel but you kids can call me Gabe!!! Alrighty this are my students when I call your name please step forward!!!" The new guy says. I find I strange how both new teachers have long hair for guys. Must I include that this guy is actually kind of attractive.
My eyes slowly travel down to his behind... Not bad at all.
"Now let's go first name!"
I roll my eyes and walk slowly to "Gabe" as he speaks.

"Jeff Canza! And Catherine?! My bad Catline!!! Please step forward!"
My tired eyes meet his bright ones.

"I told ya I'd see you again. But this time don't throw a book to my head please and thank you."
I feel like daggers are stabbing me everywhere. I turn slowly and see every single girl glaring at me.

I say turning back to him.
"Next time watch where that big, ugly face of yours is going and maybe I won't have to throw a book at you."
I earn a chuckle and a pat on the head.

"Alright kid you got me. Well we have our class."
He turns and walks to a group of sixteen guys and three girls including myself.
This is going to be a slow year

I walk to the group only to get checked out by the boys there. The sparkle of hope in their eyes filled me with great disgust.
How could boys look at girls like that?!?!?!? That was until I saw "Gabe" doing the same thing. My chest tightens and my arms do the same, causing my books to smother my chest.

"Alrighty ladies you change! We start in 5!" Gabe said as everyone went to the locker rooms except for me.
Slowly Gabe walks up to me.
"Why aren't you going to change?"

"The girls pick on me because of my hair... I'm different, they don't like that."
I look down only to have Gabe gently grab a piece of my hair and twirl it in between his fingers.

"They just don't know what they're missing because having different friends is better than being basic and normal."

I scoff, my cheeks probably as red as a lobster, and pull back slightly.
"Thank you for the compliment but I do believe class has to begin some time."
As if practiced, all the females burst through the doors, giggling, and run toward Gabe.

"Sir what do you want us to do today?!?!?!? Should we stretch out or bend over or"
Before she could finish a harsh voice came.

"LAPS NOW!!!" Gabe yelled with a disgusted look planted on his face.

"Welcome to you're everyday life of horny teenagers sir." I say and join the group running laps around the gym.

Feeling the air on my face, I close my eyes and imagine I'm running in a forest, keeping my breaths calm and controlled.
I hear a whistle be blown and my eyes shoot open.
Looking around all the girls are out of breath and holding onto each other for support.

"Now that you girls are more calm, get a volleyball and a partner, and help each other learn the correct way. I know some of you are in valley ball!"
He blew the whistle once again. The high pitched noise made me was to take it and shove it where the sun won't shine in a million years.

All the girls run to a partner, mainly Gabe, and grab a ball.
I on the other hand, have something more interesting to do. Read my book at peace finally.
I walk to a corner and get out an old book from the library. Turning the pages, scanning through them until the females start giggling. I look up and see Gabe balancing the volleyball on his head.

"Wow we have another child for gym." I mumble to myself and dig my nose into my book again.

"Hey CAT!!! Heads up!" Gabe grabs the ball off his head and rolls it in my direction.
I smirk as it lightly hits my foot.
I grab the ball and spike it while still sitting down, sending it flying to the middle of the gym where everyone is.
Gabe turns around with his mouth open.
The bells rings, I put my books in my backpack and pass everyone.

"Have a good day SIR."
I walk out of the gym and to my next class.

(Probably sucked I'm so sorry do the time. I've been busy with school my loves. See you in the next chapter.)

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