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Catherine's POV

I was sitting with my back straight and my legs closed on the what they call a couch while Gabriel was beside me.
I smile softly and gently put my hand in his.

"Tis not strange that so suddenly Vald and I came back? How is this possible? How many children share my blood?"
Gabriel put his finger up to my lips and I shut them.

"There is no blood of yours except for you, an incident happened and their blood is no longer on this earth."
I nod gently and stand. My feet softly stepped away from couch and walked toward the front door.

"What year are we?"

"A year of corruption, no need for dates." Gabriels heavy foot steps were heard begind me.

"What am I to do? What is to come of this? I need not worry about this and yet I'm terrified." I sigh softly and turn to see Gabriel standing there with his arms open.

"Hugs are nice now a days. They say it's a health stress reliever and the other one that helps we already did." He chuckles and I gracefully walk into his chest.

"Say what is it you do "now a days" Gabriel?"
He stiffened and chuckled.

"Well I mean I work at the same school that he does and that you went to." Gabriel softly chuckles.

"What does tho mean?" I ask confused. School was only meant for royalty.

"In this time everyone must be intelligent or at least have some kind of knowledge." Gabriel said and places a hand on my lap.

"Tis the slaves free??? The people, the castle.... Tis it gone???" I ask staring at the ground conflicted.

"Castle is still up, we don't speak like that anymore Catherine. We now speak in the low class regularly." Gabriel's lips say as his eyes show sadness yet comfort.

"And Vald?" I peer at him and go back to looking on the ground. "Tis thy watching his manners?"

"He's got a new play mate and it's not you Catherine. It's a girl from your school."  Gabriel looks down sadly

"I do not know this lass so I shall not care. Tis a new era, time. I shall be a women not a thing or a doll."
My words echoed through the room and most likely raced throw his mind.
"Now low class speaking you say, well looks like we'll be speaking that way for the rest of god knows what."

Gabriel stood up and got in front of me, his hand placed softly on my cheek and he kissed me ever so gently.
"You're gorgeous."

I smile softly and look around.
"Tis a... nice? Place. Do you know where I might be changed?"

Gabriel chuckles and begins to walk, a few moments pass and he comes back with what seemed to be plants with holes in them and a shirt the looks like a lion attacked it.

"You expect me to wear such shameful thing?!?!" I screeched only to have him laugh.

"It's a new era."

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