The Love of My Life

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Author’s Note:  Second to last chapter, oh my, it’s been one hell of a ride, and I hope everyone is looking forward to the insider’s look that I will include in the next chapter. Anyways, on to the story!

Victoria’s p.o.v

Last night was a complete blur to me when I woke up beside Chris, who was still asleep, breathing peacefully. Dreaming of all of the above.

His eyebrows were a mess, but it made him look absolutely adorable. Yes, as scary as many think Chris can be, he’s still adorable.

He would do such things that would make me want to squeal and hug him because it was so cute. He would be his cutest when he would talk about chicken wings, coffee, or about Sheetz.

Or when he is a sarcastic asshole. It’s cute, and right now, though he is not doing anything, he is quite cute as he sleeps.

We both laid on his bed, his arm still around me, and I was next right by him, just like when we both fell asleep. All of our clothes were ridden throughout the room.  

I smiled when I began to remember our activities from last night. It was unexpected, but nonetheless thrilling. It changed what Chris and I were from before.

It made me realize things that I have been blind to. Well, that’s kind of wrong, I knew most of those things but what we did last night made it clearer to me, and to Chris too.

I’ve been in love with Chris for most of my adult life and the time beforehand. He’s always been the one I wanted, and I hate myself for hurting him but I let go of it, and I hope that he did too.

Together, we created something beautiful. We felt something that I believe either of us have ever felt before. Past relationships that I’ve had could never compare to what I feel or have felt whenever I am around Chris.

It’s the way that he makes me feel on the inside, it’s the way he smiles, and the simplest things he does and how stubborn he is; all of it is the same reason why I cannot be without him.

It’s always been about Chris, because he’s the only one that has captured my heart. He’s the one that I know I love.

“Tori…” Chris whispered as his eyes were still shut.

“Yes?” I answered softly.

“I just wanted to know if you were awake…”

“I am,” I answered.

“Good…tell me one thing, and you have to be truthful.”
“What is it Chris?”

“How do my eyebrows look?”

A laughter came through from me, as well as a grin. He smiled slightly with his eyes still closed.

“They look beautifully perfect,” I answered once I was done laughing and giggling.

Just like I said, adorable.

“Thank you for lying to me.”

Chris opened his eyes and revealed to me the majestic color that his eyes held. He held open his smile and blinked.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning,” I repeated.

“How do you feel?” He asked.

“I feel amazing.”

“So do I…but how do you really feel, about all of this?”

“Last night, you said that you loved me, and I believe you. And I love you too. I don’t want to be in anyone else’s arms but yours. I don’t want go another minute apart.

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