Morning Panic

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The following morning I woke up in my window bed with the blinds cracked enough to get a view of the neighbor's house. After Ranell fell asleep I snuck to my window bed to spy on Bryson. Truth is I really did want to myself  but I just can't seem to show that. What am I even saying?  I don't even know him. I rubbed my eyes and finally found the energy to get up. 

I stepped over Ranell and headed to the bathroom.  After that very close call I think I sweated in places I never sweated before so this calls for a nice shower.  Before I stepped into the shower I glanced at the mirror and I noticed some marks on my face. "Raaaneeellllll!"  I shouted with grate panic.

Ranell then ran into the bathroom.  "What? What?" She questioned.  "Oohhh.... that's not good.  What happened?"

        "I don't know! I was kinda hoping you did!"  I announced.  "Geez, how am I gonna hide this?? And is it gonna leave a scar?  OMG!  I'm freaking out here!"  Just then I realized it came from the blinds that I fell asleep on, I must have been pressed up really hard against them. 

       "Calm down, dammit!  Just cover it up with some foundation."  Ranell suggested.

       "You know damn well I don't wear any makeup unless its eyeliner or mascara. Plus, this is probably from the damn blinds!" I scowled at her as I continue to inspect the marks. 

         "What were you doing by the wind- Oooooh!"  She sang and began to point her finger at me.  "You were spying on Bryson!"  She said accusingly.  

"I was not."  I said while rolling my eyes.  

"Well I guess you're going to have those gross marks on your face.  And then Bryson isn't going to be into you anymore." 

I narrowed my eyes at her and kicked her out of the bathroom. "I'm just going to deal with this on my face until it decides to go away." I called out to her as I slammed the door shut.  I really do hope it goes away soon. 

Me:  Hey man, you ready or what?

Bryson: Waiting on you, love.

Me: Quit calling me that.

Bryson: What? Love?  No can do.

Me: Whatever.

Ranell decided to take the front this time which meant Bryson is going to have to sit in the back, which I have no problem with because I do not want him to see the ugly marks on my face.  I still don't know where they came from.  I backed all the way out of my drive way and into his then honked on the horn.

I looked over at Ranell and she just smiled so deeply when Bryson stepped out of his door.  "Babe, we're totally going for pizza after school." I said to her.

       "Pizza?"  Bryson questioned as he opened Ranell's door.

        "Nu-uh buddy.  Not today, you're sitting in the back." She ordered.

Bryson jumped in the back seat and Ranell returned to hers.  "Yup, pizza.  Wanna join?"

          "Pizza with two lovely ladies, sounds fantastic." he replied.

I could see Ranell's cheeks reddening from the corner of my eye and I was unfazed. I rolled my eyes instead and headed for school. I was so in the mood for some music so I threw my phone in Ranell's lap.  "You know the drill." I say to her.

         "Bring Me The Horizon or Pierce The Veil?" she asked as she hooked my phone into the stereo.

           "Hmmm.  I'm feeling Blink today.  First Date by those wonderful people, please."

           "You got it!" She exclaimed as she searched for the song.

            "Blink?  As in Blink-182?" Bryson chimed in.

           "Yes sir. You listen to them too?" I asked actually excited.

            "Hell yeah!  Turn that music up, Ranell!"  He exclaimed.

For the rest of the drive to school we were all singing along to Blink-182.  I can tell Bryson and I are going to get along quite nicely.  I'm actually looking forward to having him as a friend. 

I pulled into my usual parking space and killed the engine.  "Well here we are, in hell."  I announced.  Ranell clapped and cheered.  "Gross.  Can you take your excitement else where? It's giving me a headache and we haven't even entered school." 

             "Sorry.  I'm just so happy because I get to see Josh."  Ranell squealed.

I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the car.   "I already told you, Josh is a man whore.  He isn't worth you're time." I explained to her. 

Ranell climbed out as well and Bryson followed. "I'm tired of you always getting the guys.  I want a boyfriend!"  She whined.

I rolled my eyes again and let out a sigh.  "Stop searching for boys.  They really aren't worth your time."

I retrieved my bag out of the trunk and slung it over my shoulder.  Bryson quietly walked along side me and it kinda felt awkward so I decided  to strike up some conversation.  "So, What classes do you have?"  I secretly wanted to have a class with him but realized I didn't see him in any of them yesterday.

             "Ummm, not quite sure.  I sat in the office all day yesterday trying to work things out with the counselor.   "  He then pulled out his schedule and handed it to me.

I skimmed through the schedule and looked for any classed we could possibly have together. Bingo!  First and second block.

             "I will see you in AP Biology and Trig."  I said while I handed him back his schedule. 

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