Chapter 3: Overdramatic

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Y/N's P.O.V:

"It was so real, I'm not kidding"  Jesse sighed and chuckled.

"Its not funnyyy" I pouted at him. He just chuckled at me again.

"It seems that you may have a crush on him" All the heat in my body rose to my cheeks. He crossed his arms and leaned back.

"N-no. I do not. I ended up watching some of his short films to get inspired" I rolled my eyes trying to pretend I didn't like him, but I did.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I did this" I cocked my head to the side as he stood up. He made his way over to Bryan and my heart stopped.

"Come sit with us. We hate seeing you alone" Bryan looked up at him with wide eyes but nodded. The two made it back over to our spot and sat down.

"Hello Y/N" His hands folded together as he leaned on it. Bryan smiled a bit as his brown eyes sparkled.

"Hey!" The tree of us continued to talk about the game and our favorite parts. Bryan talked about how he loved to cosplay as Connor and watch people get excited.

"Well, I think it's pretty cool that you do that" Bryan smiled at me.

"Bryan, Y/N. We need you for scene 65" My heart stopped. I never mentally prepared myself for this.

Bryan stood up and you could see how nervous he was. We both began walking past the other people. Many of then looked at Bryan in awe of rolled there eyes at me. I'm pretty sure they were jealous of this scene.

We walked into the room. It was much colder than the others. Bryan went to one side of the room and I to the other.

"Whenever you two are ready"


Connor and Kelly stormed up to on another. Both covered in anger.

"You could've got yourself killed! What were you thinking?" Connor threw his hands in the air. His voice laced with fear and anger.

(□) Calm:
"I just wanted to do the right thing Connor, I-I wanted you happy" Kelly rubbed her arm as Connor rolled his eyes. Her head hung low as she sulked.

Kelly had just gone up against some humans. They were trying to take down Jericho at there new base. It was a group of teens, but she managed to scare them away without getting shot.

(○) Angry:

"I was protecting us! If it wasn't for me we could all be dead! Do you really want everything we've worked for to go to wa-"

For both ended the same...and I have never been so unready in my life.


Connor lifted her head that ugly low in anger/sadness. Without hesitation he pressed his lips against hers. Red warnings flushed over their vision, but neither of them cared. The warnings soon faded. Their hands collided and turned white

Past experiences glided across their data

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Past experiences glided across their data. Sharing one another's memories. The two backed away from each other. Connor smiled down at her, brushing her hair away.


People cheered at us after they called 'cut'. My face was red and my hands shook vigorously. Bryan gave a slight smile, his face was red as well. He took off out the door. I walked it slowly. Jesse's eyes were as wide as his smile.

"You know, I almost believed that was real..." He noticed something was up.

"What's wrong?" His hand rested against my shoulder.

"I think I did something wrong.." I brushed his hand off of my shoulder and went to change out of the gear.

When I walked into the area I quickly changed. My body was super sweaty, so I took a towel and wiped the sweat off along with the dots on my face. After, I hurriedly walked out. Jesse was talking to Bryan. He seemed a bit annoyed with Jesse.

I chose to ignore it and head out. The sky was grey and thunder rumbled. I quickly got into my car, and as I did it began to pour.

I don't know why I was so over dramatic, but whatever. I began to drive off. My phone began to ding, so once I got to a stop light I checked it.

"Hey, It's Bryan...I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to just walk off like that. I'm still a bit upset over the divorce. All of that reminded me of Amelia. Please forgive me"  The unknown number that belonged to Bryan.

"It's fine..I'm just super over dramatic"  The light turned green so I started to drive off once again.
'Why am I like this?'

Bryan's P.O.V:

I felt bad...for walking out on her. It just felt wrong but it also felt right. I headed to change out of my stuff.
As I took the gear off I managed to see myself on the mirror. A sigh escaped my lips. I walked out and adjusted my hair.

Jesse came up to me. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Why did you just walk out on Y/N like that? You could've atleast complimented her instead of walking away" A surge of anger came over me.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember if my life was any of your business" He rolled his eyes.

"Listen, shes my friend, and she looks up to you. She didn't seem all too happy" My heart sank. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her walk out with a frown. Jesse was watching as well.

"Do you happen to have her number? I'd like to apologize" Jesse a smiled and took out his phone before showing me the number.

I put it in a thanked him. Quickly I walked out the door to see her car leaving. I sighed and texting her on my way to my car. The rain drenching me forcing me to shield my phone.

After sending it I got into my car and headed home.

//sorry this was much shorter...

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