Chapter 21- Journey

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(A/N seriously kinky stuff in this chapter, so warning (I'm sorry) You can skip it's not essential to the plot)

"Ready to go?" Asks Barney from the front of the bus. It's late afternoon and all our gear is packed up and ready for the move, to the next place.

"Actually guys, I'm going in Austin's car. To keep him company." I explain to the Barney and Kieran, who are seated in the cabin and buckled up. They exchange a look.

"Just be careful babe." Warns Barney.

"If he fucks with you I'm gonna neuter him." Kieran growls an Jesse nods in agreement. Barney shoots Kieran a warning glance and he subsides into silence.

"Have fun!" Barney smiles cheerily and waves at me as I leave.

Austin is waiting for me, leaning against his car. He's wearing his usual black skinny jeans, and a silk white and black striped baseball shirt with 'Jordan' written on it. With his sunglasses on I can't tell where he's looking but he tilts his head towards me.

"Morning." He smiles opening the car door for me. I still feel hurt towards him but I can't stop myself from liking him and wanting to be around him. I just want everything to go back to normal, and so I push it all to the back of my mind. I greet him and hop in, he walks around the other side. He slides into his seat and starts the car, it purrs and slides into motion. We pull out onto the main road, which is remarkably clear due to the late time of day.

"How fast can this car go?" I ask curiously after a moment of silence.

"Wanna find out?" He smiles and revs the engine, it roars to life and jumps forwards, pushing me back into my seat. I look at Austin and he grins like a maniac, I laugh as the car picks up speed. After a while Austin begins to slow down, smiling in triumph. "Impressed?" He asks.

"Maybe" I answer coyly.

He makes a disgruntled sound and we continue cruise down the motorway.

"I can't believe they expect us to drive through the night." He mutters.

"I know right, maybe we should stop for the night?" I suggest. He looks at me with a suggestive smirk. "Not like that, I just don't want you crashing." I protest.

I lean over and pull the sunglasses off his face, they were annoying me, I can't see where he's looking. He looks at me wearily and then focuses back on the road. The sun starts to set in the distance and the headlights come on, the radio is quietly playing some Sinatra and I sit back in my seat, content with the current situation. Austin reaches over and rests his hand on my thigh, his index finger traces patterns on the inside of my leg. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder, feeling tired. I start to think about the last time we were in a car together, after our first 'date' and I got him all worked up. I try to hide my smirk.

"What are you smiling about?" Austin asks turning slightly to look at me. I smile to myself, not responding. "Come on, tell me." He whines like a small child that wants to know a secret.

"I was just thinking about last time we were in this car." I smirk tracing my fingertips up the inside of his thigh. "And I got you all frisky." I can see his breathing visibly quicken and he look across at me. He hums, telling me he remembers it too. We stop at some traffic lights and my fingers reaches higher, to the inside of his groin, he looks over at me nervously and shifts in his seat. The lights change to green and the car lurches forward and stalls. I giggle and sit back in my seat. Austin swears under his breathe and puts the car back into drive. He glares at me in warning.

"Perhaps you shouldn't do that at the traffic lights." He suggests. I nod in agreement, hiding my amusement. I pull my hand back from his leg.

"We always seem to get interrupted. Shame." I smirk at him, biting the tip of my thumb. He looks across at me with wide eyes. I love teasing him, it's so much fun to watch him get worked up. The car swerves slightly and he turns his eyes back to the road.

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