A New Beast

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                 Gaston was found from his fall by The Enchantress who was disguised as the old beggar woman she nursed him till he was whole and she offered him a single rose but like Prince Adam he sneered at the gift and told her to scram but like before with Prince Adam she revealed her true self causing Gaston to beg for mercy she told him she saw no love in his heart as before she turned Gaston into a hideous beast and putting spell on him she told him if he learned to love another and earn their love in return then his spell will be broken but if not he would remain a beast for all time as the years passed he fell into despair giving up hope because now he became the monster everyone sees him to be because who could ever love a beast? Gaston still wearing his red captain coat even though it's a bit stretched out and everything he still eager to go out and hunt though but he's reduced to hunting with his claws and not his bow and arrows or his gun but still get's the job done. Gaston had be a recluse or hermit for the last 17 years his age frozen in time for the duration of the spell he reminisces about his glory days when he was a handsome brute everyone liked him and he liked that feeling but now he was ugly and a monster. Gaston heard a voice an angelic one at that coming through his window as he would listen for the sounds coming from the village but this time all he could hear was this single voice something about it was beautiful but he figured it be a songbird calling to it's mate because how would anyone ever love him. Gaston went out early to hunt still doing his routine even though he's a beast but can't stop his routine without it he may lose his insanity he saw a deer grazing he went to hunt it but he stepped a twig causing it to snap and the deer took off running like usual and he went running after it later he dragged the deer carcass back to his home where he was set to eating it. Being a beast changed him when he was neatly dressed he's lucky that he's even clothed at all now oh he wished for the good old days but suddenly those good old days are gone he even get's nightmares from his fall and all the mistakes he's made before hand with Belle, LeFou, Maurice and the villagers it's as if his conscience keeps reminding him of what he's done. 

                Gaston was out hunting once again but he came upon a strange sound it drew his attention from hunting toward it he hid in the bushes watching to see what it is to his amazement it was a girl she was out riding he heard her talking to the horse but when he saw her something about her was true beauty he held his breath hoping he didn't startle her. Danielle on Philippe II  she said "Philippe, I promised mom to see grandfather in the village and I know I mustn't take long we both know how dark the woods get and we know that the wolves come out to play I just want to take in the beauty that's all" Gaston heard her say the village he wondered if she means where he's from. She returned on her horse Gaston waited hoping he would catch sight of her again she said "Philippe, didn't enjoy your apple that LeFou gave you?" he neighed she said "LeFou is quite something isn't he, well-rounded person he just seems sad of late I wondered why Philippe?" Gaston hearing her speak about LeFou he knew probably it had to be about him not being there she said "Philippe, grandfather was happy to see us I can't believe he's doing quite well being the world class inventor" Gaston wondered who this girl was he moved his foot and stepped on a twig snapping it Danielle heard it she said "Whoa Philippe, did you hear that?" Gaston got quiet Danielle got down she said "Stay here Philippe" she went to see she inched within him in the bushes she could see eyes she said "It's okay, I won't hurt you come on out" but Philippe neighed she turned around she saw the sky she said "Of course Philippe I mustn't linger the wolves may come out and we know that they don't like us" she turned to the bush then back to Philippe she went and climbed onto the horse grabbing the reins she said "Let's go home Philippe" she galloped off Gaston came out of the bushes he sighed because she's beautiful and he didn't want to scare her off he retreated to his makeshift home where he was safe. Danielle returned home she was brushing her hair she couldn't shake the feeling from earlier she felt someone was watching her from the bushes yet when she went to look Philippe broke her focus so whatever was in the bushes could've been anything she looked out through the window she humming a tune and smiling her voice echoed in the castle:

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