Falling Petals

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              Gaston reached his home took off that attire and slipped into his torn red coat as he sat in his somewhat broken down chair he looked into his magic mirror he thinking about everything he experience and feeling anger that she lied to him about who she is and leading him astray for her amusement no doubt he said "Show me the girl" the mirror showed Danielle with Mrs. Potts talking he couldn't make out what they were saying he felt something for her tonight and he was close to admitting it then he didn't he went and sung:

"I can't believe the trials of love

A cruel trick, a wretched show

I fell in love too soon, too hopelessly, too late

And then I let her go

I'll never shake away the pain

I close my eyes, but she's still there

I let her steal into my melancholy heart

It's more than I can bear

Now I know she'll never leave me

She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me

Move me, come what may

Wasting in my lonely home

Waiting by an open door

I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in

And be with me for evermore

I rage against the trials of love

I curse the fading of the light

Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach

She's never out of sight

Now I know she'll never leave me

Even as she fades from view

She will still inspire me

Be a part of everything I do

Wasting in my lonely home

Waiting by an open door

I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in

And as the long, long nights begin

I'll think of all that might have been

Waiting here for evermore"

Danielle waited till daylight before she went to see him she was greeted by Chip he said "Want company?" she said "Fine". They on horseback going through the woods he said "I heard about what happened are you okay?" she said "I wasn't honest with him and I felt it sting" he touched her face with his hand cupping it he said "I want you to be happy Danielle, that's all I want for you" she realized Chip has feelings for her and she never knew it she said "Chip, I uh.." he said "You didn't know, I guess I wasn't good at telling you" she said "I'm flattered Chip, I just see you as a brother nothing more" he said "Then as such I will talk some sense into him for you" she said "You would do that for me?" he said "Yeah I would, let's go we wouldn't want the wolves to get us now would we?" she said "No we wouldn't". Gaston remembering all his past mistakes more like on repeat what began his fall from grace when Belle showed up with the mirror showing them the beast and he locked her up with Maurice to stop him from vanquishing the beast oh it was simple times then he felt a tug on his heart he went to finding the enchanted rose that woman left behind that was tied to the spell he saw there were few petals still on it he had no idea that she and Chip were on their way to him. 

               Gaston went out hunting he hadn't done that since before everything so he figured why not but he encountered the wolves again. Danielle and Chip came to the house she got down as he stayed with the horses she knocked on the door she said "Gaston, it's me Danielle are you home?" no answer Chip said "Is the door locked?" she went and opened the door Chip got down from his horse and followed her in there he saw the clothing from the castle and found the magic mirror she said "He's not here Chip" he said "What's that?" pointing to something glowing she came and removed a sheet to seeing a rose under glass Chip said "That's the Enchanted 

Rose, your father had one the Enchantress gave it to him if all the petals fall he remained a beast for all time" she said "There aren't many petals left, Chip?" he said "Where could he have gone? Think Danielle, you know him from this last month ...

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Rose, your father had one the Enchantress gave it to him if all the petals fall he remained a beast for all time" she said "There aren't many petals left, Chip?" he said "Where could he have gone? Think Danielle, you know him from this last month or so where could he go?" she said "I know where" she picked up his mirror she said "Show him to me" Chip beside her saw in the mirror he said "What's he doing?" she said "He's out hunting" he said "That's a wolf Danielle?" she said "Oh no, he's given up reason to live I can't let him Chip" he said "Then let's go". Back out to the horses they went and went off riding hard Danielle couldn't allow him to die not without her telling him how she feels for him and how sorry she is by not be honest about who she is or who her family is she would never forgive herself.

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