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             Danielle and Chip rode hard and came upon watching Gaston fighting the wolves and not defending himself Danielle said "GASTON" he turned around and saw her there with someone he said "DANIELLE" he went to defending himself the wolves noticed her she got down Chip said "You crazy?" she said "As your mother stated love can withstand anything that's in the way you have to be willing to fight for it and I am not giving up without a fight" he said "Then go on I'll stay with the horses". Danielle went and found a big stick she went to hitting some wolves of course they all went to her when Gaston went to taking them away from her fighting back and forth unbeknownst to them Agathe/The Enchantress was watching in the bushes she had brought the enchanted rose with her from Gaston's home to see what will happen next. Danielle lost her stick to the wolves and was knocked down Chip wanted to go help but he was there with the horses and beside Danielle would kill him if he interfered in the matter. A wolf came at her she looked afraid she ducked when it was grabbed by Gaston he showed it his growl and slung it back the wolves ran off he stood there feeling his heart give out he fell down she got up and ran to him she said "Gaston" he said "You came for me? After I yelled at you and ran away?" she said "Of course I would, you were upset I wouldn't leave you besides we're together now everything will be fine you'll see" he touched her face with his paw he said "At least I got to see you one last time" she said "No" he said "I've done so many bad things in my life Danielle maybe now you just let me go" she said "No, I can take you to the castle my friend Chip can help us over there?" he saw the guy with the horses he had seen him before with her riding in the woods he said "There's not much time left Danielle, tell your parents I'm sorry for harming them so long ago" she said "Tell them yourself" she holding onto his paw he said "You look so much like your mother Belle maybe that's what drew me to you but I got to know you and you showed me what it's like to be alive something I forgot long ago" she had tears falling down her face he touched her face with the paw she was holding he said "At least I got to see you one last time" he felt the last petal fall Agathe/Enchantress was holding she saw it Chip saw her as well he hadn't seen her in 17 years he knew something was up. Danielle still feeling his paw on her face he turned and looked away his paw fell down on the ground she said "NO, no no please please don't leave me"

sobbing uncontrollably she said "Come back to me, please come back" Agathe/Enchantress walked up with the enchanted rose under glass Danielle paid no attention to her she leaned down to his face she said "I love you" she kissed him on the forehead...

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sobbing uncontrollably she said "Come back to me, please come back" Agathe/Enchantress walked up with the enchanted rose under glass Danielle paid no attention to her she leaned down to his face she said "I love you" she kissed him on the forehead she then cried beside him Agathe/Enchantress heard her say those three words and with her magic she restored the rose petals to the rose breaking the glass and it's magic went surrounding him she got up to see it

sobbing uncontrollably she said "Come back to me, please come back" Agathe/Enchantress walked up with the enchanted rose under glass Danielle paid no attention to her she leaned down to his face she said "I love you" she kissed him on the forehead...

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she was mesmerized by it and he stood there in his brand new red coat turned to her he smiled

he walked up to her she looked at him seeing his eyes she chuckles as he touched her face with his hands and she touched his with her's they kissed and all around them the snow vanished to reveal grass anew

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he walked up to her she looked at him seeing his eyes she chuckles as he touched her face with his hands and she touched his with her's they kissed and all around them the snow vanished to reveal grass anew. 

             Cogsworth and Lumiere were worried about Danielle Lumiere said "Look there Cogsworth, someone's coming?" everyone came to see when they saw Chip on the horse Lumiere said "Where's the princess?" he said "Taking the scenic route they should be here any moment" Lumiere said "They?". Danielle and Gaston on Philippe II came trotting in they came to the stables he got down and helped her down as they kissed once again putting Philippe II in his stall they held hands walking all over the grounds so much in love they greeted the others inside who were pretending to do be doing their castle duties they went to the ballroom where it still looked magical the night before he said "May I have this dance?" bowing to her she said "You may" she curtsied and they began dancing so full of love and happy Chip smiled watching this Mrs. Potts greeted him she said "She looks happy" he said "She is mom, she sure is". Sounds of horses coming Chip looked at his mother he said "They're back from Paris" she said "You want to tell them two or what?" he said "Let them enjoy some more time they deserve it mom" Cogsworth went to barking orders to the staff about everything being in top shape upon King Adam and Queen Belle's return Danielle and Gaston so into their dance they didn't even know her parents returned. Belle got out of the carriage Lumiere said "How was Paris?" she said "It was lovely and beautiful as I remembered" King Adam got out he said "Yet I'm glad we're home where's Danielle?" Cogsworth said "She's preoccupied for the moment" he said "Preoccupied? My daughter?" Belle saw Lumiere's face she said "Come sweetheart let's take a walk perhaps we can see what has preoccupied our daughter?" he said "You're right" she said "I know". They 

found their daughter dancing with a guy in the ballroom he said "She looks happy?" she said "Yes she does" they made a noise to when Danielle and Gaston saw them there she said "Mom, papa" she let go of Gaston's hand and went to hug them both she ...

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found their daughter dancing with a guy in the ballroom he said "She looks happy?" she said "Yes she does" they made a noise to when Danielle and Gaston saw them there she said "Mom, papa" she let go of Gaston's hand and went to hug them both she said "How was Paris?" Belle said "Is this the friend you met? He looks familiar" she turned back to him and took his hand she said "Mom, papa let me reintroduce you to Gaston LeGume" Belle looked at her husband he said "I would like to apologize for what I did to the both of you my actions were inexcusable and unforgiving I've paid the price my being turned into a beast as well for 17 years I was one I blamed everything on that fateful day but your daughter Princess Danielle made me see the error of my ways and I know it was I who was responsible for my actions and it led me to feeling love again and I owe it all to Princess Danielle you should be proud of her" Belle said "We are, in more ways than one" King Adam remembering what Gaston did to him he also saw how happy his daughter is he said "All is forgiven Monsieur Gaston as long as you keep making my daughter happy that's what matters" he turned and looked at Danielle he said "I vow to never leave her side, she's made me into a better man and with your permission I wish to marry her" Belle looked at her husband she said "You have our blessing" Danielle was teary-eyed and happy Gaston got down on one knee he said "Princess Danielle, Danielle will you do me the honor of becoming my bride and my wife I promise to always put you first because you are the best part of me" she looking at her parents standing there she was feeling everything in her heart and it was aflutter she said "I accept, Yes I will marry you" he got up and picked her up spinning her around they kissed.

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