Chapter Three - Hello

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"Regan, I want a blowjob." I looked at him in disbelief, then looked around. The car was stopped in a vacant area beside the highway.

"Are you serious? I wanted breakfast first!" I whined, but Sam only shook his head.

"You want your treat later, you better suck me off." Sam had already pulled of his hard on, and I followed orders and began his blowjob.

Sam groaned every time my head bobbed on his dick. His large hands played in my hair as I took him far down my throat. He was so close to coming.

So close until you heard it.

"Hey Sam!" a voice called from in the distance.

"Fuck, Regan! Play it off." Sam whispered to me. Sam situated himself as I pulled my phone from my pocket.

"Hey man," Sam said to the interrupter.

"Got it!" I announced, holding my phone in the air. Sam gave me a look of relief from the corner of his eye.

"Hey, are you a friend of Sam's?" The tall brunette boy asked.

"Regan, but he's actually my b-boyfriend."

"I'm Aaron. Sam always gets the pretty girls, huh?" I blushed at his compliment. Sam and Aaron talked about a big get together with some old friends.

"I'll call you later," Aaron waved goodbye, and got in his car as we pulled off.

"We'll finish that later. Anyways, where do you want to eat?" Sam asked after cruising down the highway for a while.


After we ate, Sam and I walked along the streets together. A few people recognized him and asked for photos, but otherwise, no one disturbed us.

"What's your favorite ice cream?" I asked. Sam gave me a weird look.


"I thought that if I'm going to be your girlfriend, why not know the part?" I explained. Sam looked at me again, but this time shook his head.

"Come on, just tell me!" I whined. Sam ignored me again. I asked again, but Sam wouldn't tell me. By that time, we had made our way back to the car.

Sam pulled out of the parking lot onto the streets we were just walking on. He looked a little annoyed, but I wasn't going to give up.

"So, are you going to te-" I began.

"I'm not fucking telling you!" Sam yelled. His hands gripped the steering wheel so tight, all of his muscles bulged. His knuckles were white, and his jaw was locked tight.

I turned over in my seat, staring out the window until we arrived back and the house. This time, the usually empty main driveway was filled with at least ten cars.

As soon as Sam parked, I got out of the car and ran inside the house. Sam, who I left outside, was now on my heels.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked. I ran up the stairs to my room and slammed the door in his face.

"Open this goddamn door, Regan." Sammy banged at the door, occasionally wriggling the handle. After five minutes of useless shouting, Sam went downstairs with his company.

I laid out on the king sized bed and started to play with my hair thinking to myself.

What the hell is his problem with ice cream?

What if he's allergic?

Poor Sammy.

After a while, a soft tapping came upon my door.

"Um, Regan? Sam asked me to come get you." the voice from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and found a tall muscular man with the brownest eyes.

"Hi I'm Cam," he held out his hand for me to shake. I took his hand, and he lead me downstairs to the living room.

The loud commotion finally came into view, a large group of men talking about their teen lives.

"We had so much fun on that tour!" a blonde haired, blue eyed boy.

"No, but that time I fell!" A dark haired guy called out.

The moment I stepped into the luxurious room, everyone hushed. Sam's hand reached out for mine, but I ignored him, taking a seat next to the curly red headed girl. Some of the boys sent hushed "ooo's" towards Sam, but he rolled his eyes.

"So you're Regan, I'm Mahogany." She gave me a sweet smile, which I returned. Mahogany gave me names to the many faces in the room, and filled me in on the conversations.

"That's Jack Gilinsky," She pointed to the dark haired boy, and the sexy smirk he gave me made me nervous. I gave him a shy wave, his dark eyes never leaving mine. Something made me want him.

"Regan," Sam began, "could you grab me a beer from the fridge?"

I rolled my eyes, but followed orders. While rummaging through the fridge trying to grab the last bottle of beer from the back, I felt warm hands on my ass.

"Not now, Sam."

"Would you say no if it wasn't Sam?" His husky voice sounded loud in the quiet kitchen. I stood to my full height, beer in had, only to see Jack GIlinsky."

"You see, us Omaha boys have a similar taste in women, but by the way you were looking at me compared to the way you treated Sam today, I bet you'd rather have me instead of him. Isn't he your 'boyfriend'?" Jack put air quotes around "boyfriend".

"You know?" I asked. Jack threw his head back and laughed.

"Of course I do. Lucky for you, no one else does. Wouldn't want that sweet Mahogany to look at you like trash. You know, unless I told everyone, and possibly the press." Jack pressed me against the refridgerator door, his teasing tone putting me on edge.

"You wouldnt." I gritted through clenched teeth. Jack lifted an eyebrow, actin as if it were nothing.

"I won't, unless you give me what I want, when I want it. Sam isn't the only one who gets to be pleased however, whenever." Jack let up, and left me in the kitchen alone. Anger boiled inside of me at the fact that I was being used. I walked back into the living room, standing infront of Sam.

"Take your fucking beer." I barked. Sam gave me an unpleased look, but I turned on my heels to head back to my room.

"What's your fucking problem?" Sam followed me closely.

"Fuck off, Wilkinson!" I screamed, and ran to my room. I didn't make it to my bed before I dropped to the floor, crying. I hated this life I was forced to live. Jack looked at me like a slut, but the others, they looked at me like a person. Like a normal person. I just wanted to be like a normal eighteen year old. Graduating, heading to college, doing crazy and illegal shit with your friends. But I had no friends, I had no one.

My phone in my pocket started to ring, and I answered without bothering to read the Caller ID.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Regan? It's Jake." The voice from the other line said.

"Jake? Hey, how are you and mom? Is she keeping away from the drugs? Has she gotten a job yet? Are my checks holding you guys over?" I managed to hide my sobs from my younger brother Jake, he'd be upset if I were.

"Yeah, we're okay, she's been staying clean, but no job yet. I miss you, when are you coming home?" His voice got suddenly hopeful when he asked. A wild sob was let free at his question, Jake was my weakness.

"I miss you too, but the store had me move up to Beverly Hills until they can fill the position here. I should be home soon." I hated to lie to him, but it was the best for him. We talked a little more about Jake's grades and what not, before he had to get to football practice.

I crawled over to my bed, and tucked myself in, despite the bright daylight outside. One second I was staring at the ceiling, the next I was fast asleep.

That was until I realized I had written my death certificate.

Can't Get Attached; Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now