Chapter Eleven - Reinvention

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"Are you okay?"

"Why do you care? Is my mood affecting your preferred way of getting off?"


"Then fuck off."

"Please, just tell me, the cuts on your arms tell me you need help."

I stared down at my wrist, looking at the lines that released blood and pain. I let my hair fall over my face, hiding the tears that would soon fall.

Sam took my wrists in his warm hands. I couldn't look at him, but the sound of his voice revealed that he was crying.

"I did this to you."

They fell. Tears, glass, and hearts. I cried as Sam raged at the pain he's caused, throwing anything fragile in the room. Anything but me. After falling to his knees in defeat, he let his warm hand cup my face.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. All you wanted was love and all I did was give you the opposite. I want you to be happy."

I felt like his touch was bringing the life back into me. I was ready to tell him about who I really am.

"My mom is a drug addict, and I turned to prostitution when I was sixteen to help support my brother. I've never felt love. I've never been happy." The word that came out of my mouth felt automated as I tried to hide my emotions.

Sam looked at my dull and lifeless eyes, almost if searching for a soul. He just stared at me, probably feeling guilt.

He stood, then picked me up and brought me to the master bathroom. He ran the bath, then washed me. He seemed to try to scrub the years of pain and worthlessness along with the touch of many men from my skin.

Next, he went through my suitcase, ridding it of my provocative clothing and toys, only to throw them in the trash.

He took me shopping to replace the slutty clothes with classy, and those appropriate for an eighteen year old. He got my nails and hair done, new makeup, and a full body massage.

When we finally got back home, I found that none of my things were in my room. He had Mason move them into Sam's room.

"You'll never sleep alone." he told me.

I don't think I was the sole reason he moved me into his room.

Sam would never let me go. I'm confident that he felt that if I was out of his sight, he would lose me forever. When I got out of bed to use the bathroom, Sam was hot on my heels.

As much as Sam hurt me, he tried his hardest to put me back together. He held me when I cried. He healed my cuts. He healed me.

In a few months, I was almost back to who I was. I was a month clean and proud. I had confidence. Not the kind I faked just to get a new job. The real kind that made you want to strut whenever you walked.

They really meant it when they say it gets better.

Today, Sam invited all of his friends from Magcon over to talk about the reunion event. Jack, who I have avoided for a few months was there, eyeing me down.

As I walked to the kitchen, Sam asked me to grab him a beer. After pulling the ice cold beer from the fridge, I stood, until I was slammed up against the closed door.

"I want you to fuck me."


"Do you remember our deal?"

Here I was, with Jack where the agreement was originally made. At the time I saw it as no big deal, I've fucked around with guys. But now, after Sam hadn't pushed me to do anything since I've fallen, it was.

"I don't care, I haven't fucked in a while and I'm not starting again." I stared him down.

"You're probably really tight, but your choice." Jack smirked.

Jack turned and entered the living room, with me following closely behind. I thought Jack was bluffing.

I stood at the doorway, watching it unfold.

"So Sam, you're paying a fuck toy and your not even fucking her? Why not share Regan with me." Jack announced. The room fell silent as the beer bottle fell and shattered at my feet. Everyone stares at me with awed expressions. Aaron, Taylor, Mahogany.

"What the fuck Jack!" Sam tackled Jack to the ground, probably throwing punches.

It didn't matter because I was already running for the stairs.

"Why are you so upset about a slut?" Jack yelled.

"Because I fucking love her!"


hey guys! I need a new cover, so if you can, please make me one! in the comments I want you to pick a celebrity who looks like Regan. thank you for reading too!

Can't Get Attached; Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now