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FIRST OF ALL I owe you all an apology for the delay of Grounded to The Sky. This story was my vision and I couldnt even finish it. School has been hectic and busy I couldnt even write a single word. Im sorry and I PROMISE TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU. Somehow. I cant make another chapter this week exams are coming but I will update it soon enough. Thank you for your understanding and support uwu.

"Todoroki." I look at Bakugou.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Ive never been so sure of anything else. Now that we're caught.

"STEP OUT OF THE BUILDING OR WE'LL SHOOT YOU DOWN!" The cops scream again. For this to happen, it was just way predictable.

"Bakugou. If we're truly gifted then its time to use it." I start flapping to gather as much wind as I can for the plan. Bakugou was smiling in the middle as I continue to flap my wings for him.


"5" just a little more.

"4" Come on BAKUGOU!

"3" My wings are so ready to rest now but I just cant.

"2!!!" Just- a little more


I saw their guns making me stop flying and letting everything move on their own. The small tornado I created covered Bakugou. They could not have known it was him, no matter what so whatever he does. Its going to be on me. One flap of my wings it would make the tornado go to them.

"GO!!" I FLAPPED MY WINGS AS HARD AS I CAN Ugh! My back is in pain. This hurt so much. But I need to go on. All of their eyes was busily being covered so I immediately left. When that tornado stops being worth it, Bakugou would leave. It's my turn to move.

I flew down to Lower Earth, as swift and with the least movement of my wings as I could. I could get shot down because of this but if Im going to die then cant I atleast see him again?

Momo's POV
(Before Todoroki and Bakugou's location was found)

I think Im an excellent person. I can run a company, Ive always been a good child. Ive been set as an example for other flyers. Its not something I proudly admit to but its true. I listen to my parents,there was no task I couldnt do but now 'They' want me to submit Todoroki. That guy doesnt listen to anybody not even me, how would I even know. The professional answer I gave them.

"Unfortunately, I have no idea where about Mr. Todoroki could be. If he does plan to contact me and disclose his location. I'll immediately contact you at once."

The authorities managed to leave me alone but I'll never understand how The Lower Earth have persuaded the Elder to make him find Todoroki as well. As the Elder is a great influence among us it was easy to make the others do the search as well. He's not safe at all, that guy what can I do about him? No matter what I do, he's always going to be better. Where are you, you idiot. The whole worlds are looking for you and Im stuck as your secretary.

For these past few weeks, I havent had much time to myself. Ive been busy keeping the company alive. I plan on taking over after all, its millions worth of money. I dont need it but I know I can use it well. Our connections down in Lower Earth has been cut all newspapers, magazines that we were producing up here couldnt be send in no way down there neither can the factories built down there be sending up here. I sold all the Lower Earth affiliations and all our products. I kept the land as it could be a good use somewhat after this war. I sold some of them as well to still gain money. Anything the Lower Earth has done was no more to be concerned of. It cuts one of the factors.

Unfortunately to Todoroki and his unwise decisions, the company with his name has taken a hit. One look of the name and doubt pops up which is not good at all for the production side but that man was helpful. He has made deep and honest connections that are most helpful at these desperate times. Ever since he hired me, I made it a personal priority to write down and know who heas been with and who he knows. Thanks to that it helped me figure out who are the people who still trust us even with the bad name. Security has been my priority for everyone in the building. They've been helping me keep track of the price of companies in Lower Earth started in Upper Earth. Those prices are sure to hit a downfall and will be good prices no doubt and along with that. I dont think I can handle losing them, Ive been working with them too much theres no one else I can trust these tasks with.

"Lets go everyone" I clap my hands grasping their attention and they immediately went back to their monitors. These people are not just nobodys they are also my family. We family stick together.

No matter "What!?"

"We see you're shocked miss but it is true." This cop told me, he found that idiot. Todoroki, what are you doing? He's been found in a cabin thanks to a little process of elimination of places around Bakugou and Todoroki's property. I helped in the investigation but it was only to get them off my back. I know they could hurt him but the chances of them actually finding him, I didnt think about that.

I need to act. Momo, youre not an accomplice. Youre innocent.

"I see, if he was found. What would be done to him? I need to know not out of interest Officer but for the sake of the business." My relation with him could make him not tell me these things because I could do something but I wont act so rash.

"Understood. He's going to be sent to Lower Earth where he comitted the crime in the first place. The punishment will be left to them. Atleast thats what I heard."

"Thank you Officer. Have a lovely day." He'a going to be punished down there. If he does, I'll need to prepare lawyers.

"You too Ma'am" The cop left and inspected the building again. I let them because theres nothing I need to hide as of the moment. Lawyers down in Lower Earth has the greatest importance in this kind of situation, thats what Ive heard. Thankfully we do have some.

"Assistant!" I scream in the top of my lungs as I sip my morning stressed cofdwe.

"Y-yes? Miss Momo?" My assistant shakingly said, I never remembered her name. She never did anything note worthy to her name.

"I need you to get all the names of the lawyers in Lower Earth we're connected with." I commanded. I could do it myself but I still have to go to a meeting with a business partner about their shares with our company. This is no calm day.

"Yes Ma'am." She fled, she's not bad but she is efficient. All tasks I give her was done and has no more bothered us even in the future. It was all dealt with in that day which I have to hand it to her.

Back To Todoroki POV

Flying lightly meant, I couldnt land properly. My back hurts in the crash but I made it. I landed in a forest, I didnt know where but somehow it seems familiar. I go around then I found a land with no grass as if there was something there.




IT COULDNT BE, could it? Was this my cottage? They took it down, didnt they? No. Nonoonononononoonono. Midoriya's pictures. They're all gone. Damn it. I should have never built you. I crash down on the floor weakened in the knees. My heart hurts so much. Why am I crying? Those were the only things that kept me from fighting. Now theyre gone. All of them, every. single one. I cant.

"Hello?" A voice? I have to leave. No flyers are welcome here. Not anymore. I have to leave. I quickly got back up and ran as fast as I could then started flying up to the trees. I dont know where to go. Midoriya probably hates me, I cant go to him. I wish i could. Just to see his smile. That smile can cheer anyone up.
I laugh. My eyes get heavy.

I feel slee.. py...

Im sorry Midoriya.

Grounded to The Sky//TodoDeku AUWhere stories live. Discover now