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Two lovers rested peacefully in each others embrace. The Alpha caressed the sleeping body of his mate. His fingers gently tracing the fresh mark on his butterfly's neck, the mark that claimed the little fae as his.

The blonde shivered as Cain played with mark, this brought the Alpha joy, he was glad that he could please his mate. Cain grinned at the thought of the marking process. He remembered his mates heavy breathing and the intense kisses he gave him but the crowning jewel was the moment when his fangs seeped into the sensitive spot on Rhian's neck creating the mark...the mates mark.

With Rhian marked as his mate, this would warn off other wolves and also show that the mate bond between the lovers is strong. Cain also knew that Rhian was in a bit more danger now, since the mark also meant that all, including his enemies, would know that they are mates which put Rhian in danger.

Cain growled at the thought of anyone harming Rhian, no one would ever touch his mate and he would ensure it.

The blonde fae stirred from slumber, groggily he said "Cain, what's wrong? Why are you growling?" as he looked into the Alpha's eyes. The Alpha placed a kiss on his mate's forehead, then answering "I was thinking about my enemies and how they could hurt you since you wear my mark."
Rhian leaned into Cain's embrace and said "But Cain no one is going to hurt me. We'll be fine."

Cain pulled Rhian on top of him, using his right hand to bring Rhian's face closer to his, he gazed at Rhian's lips as he said "Damn Right! No one is going to touch you butterfly, I'll protect you no matter what." He then kissed Rhian reassuringly.

Cain looked out the window, night had fallen, he was surprised to see how fast time flew but then he recalled the marking :

Oh well, Time flies when you're having fun.

He looked over to the right side of the bed, where Rhian was sleeping. Unlike Cain who could go on kissing and marking Rhian forever, the poor fae did not have Cain's alpha stamina, hence such physical acts drained him.

Cain kissed Rhian's hair before jumping out of bed. He planned to go and get dinner for himself and Rhian. He slipped on his shirt, not bothering to button it up, and jeans,after which he proceeded to exit the chambers.

Whilst Cain left to get some food, Rhian peacefully slept. He was already in dreamland at this point.

He floated through the air, his wings carrying him high in the sky. The clouds were a dusty orange and hot pink, indicating it was sunset. Rhian loved flying in the afternoon, watching the sunset from the clouds was a marvellous sight to his eyes. 

Most fairy royalty spent all the day dealing with trade and diplomatic business but Rhian was a prince who emersed himself with nature and fun. He believed that being a royal does mean you cannot have any joy.

He squealed in excitement as the all familiar sunset occurred. With fun and magic what more could a fairy ask for.

The sky blackened instantly. The warmth and beauty of the light replaced with cold cruelty, his fairy world had transformed for the worse.

With a golden snake slithering along her body, his worst nightmare appeared. Her lips painted a vile plum and she was dressed in a charcoal grey gown.

"Hello Rhian." said Lilith as she caressed her pet. "It's so wonderful to see you."

Rhian closed his eyes, chanting out "This is only a dream. This is only a dream."

Lilith cackled as she heard his mantra. "This is no dream. This is all real my boy" replied Lilith menacingly.

"Huh?" said a confused Rhian. He straightened himself and answered "Alright if this is real then come and get me. Finish this Lilith!"

"Now I would love nothing more to wipe you out right now but this setting is not suitable. I want us to have a real conscious battle." responded Lilith.

Rhian glared at her. He would love nothing more than to take her out now. "This is my dream you know, I can take you out easily."

Lilith smirked as she said "Perhaps you can but like you said its a dream. The minute you wake up, all your progress cancels out."

Rhian rolled his eyes at her comeback. She still had intelligence after all. "Well you must be here for some reason. So go on and spit it out."

Lilith sarcastically answered "Aw don't you want to make small talk first but ok let's get straight to business. I know you're coming after me with your little gang so I'm here to give you some advice."

Rhian remained static, he did not want anything from her.

"Give up. This battle is suicide, you will not win. Just hand over the wand and I will ensure your lives are less miserable."

Rhian furiously replied "NO! The wand will never be yours nor will you ever become a Royal understood. My subjects are coming for you Lilith and just as you stole everything from us, we will do the same to you."

"Bring it fae." threatened Lilith.

Rhian winked in response.

In a cloud of smog, the snake loving she-devil vanished. Instantly the light of Rhian's dreams returned.

Rhian shot up from bed. The dream had broken however based on his encounter with Lilith this was most definitely not a dream, he should have been afraid but he was not.

If Lilith wanted a battle, it was a battle she was going to get.

"Hey babe. I've got some supper for you and maybe if you eat well, I will give some dessert later." said Cain seductively.

Rhian chuckled at Cain's openness. Although it made Rhian embarrassed beyond compare but he also thought it was cute.

An aroma of spices and meat wafted through Rhian's nose, causing his stomach to growl. A good meal was needed after today's events.

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